View or edit cost template properties

The Properties window of a cost template is fully editable. This allows you to make changes as necessary to use when creating subsequent cost sheets from the template.

Many of the properties that are editable in cost templates are not editable in Properties window of the cost sheet itself once it has been created in the a project or shell or in a project or shell template.

To view or edit cost template properties

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Templates > Cost Sheets in the left Navigator. The Cost Templates log opens.
3 Select a cost template from the log and click the Properties button. The Properties window opens.
4 Make edits as necessary. Any edits that you make to a cost template will affect new project or shell cost sheets created from the template. Existing cost sheets will not be affected.
5 Click Apply to save changes, or OK to save and exit the window.





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