Import the Generic Cost Manager

To import the Generic Cost Manager

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Data Structure Setup > Configurable Modules in the left Navigator. This node allows you to import the Generic Cost Manager. The name of the Generic Cost Manager depends on the name given to it in Primavera uDesigner.
3 Select the manager to import.
4 Click the Import button. The Primavera uDesigner Login window opens.
5 Enter the following information:
Company Short Name: this is the identifier used for your company, and was set up at the time of company configuration. This is found in the Edit Company window.
Authentication Key: this key is set up at the time the company was configured. It is like a password that provides import access to the Primavera uDesigner processes created for your company. Contact your site administrator for further information.
uDesigner URL: the web address of the Primavera uDesigner server your company is using.
6 Click OK. The Import uDesigner Process window opens.
7 Select the Generic Cost Manager from the list and click the Import button. The Configurable Modules log lists the imported Generic Cost Manager.





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