Creating an SOV Template

An SOV Template needs to be created and set up before you can create a SOV sheet. SOV sheets are created using an SOV Template that defines the columns that will appear on the sheet. All SOVs in a single project or shell will use the same template structure.

If an SOV Template does not exist when an SOV sheet is auto-created from a cost BP, one will be created automatically with the default columns WBS Code and WBS Item and Breakdown Data. You can edit this structure as needed; the default columns are not editable.

To create a new SOV Template

1 In Administration Mode, go to the Company Workspace tab and click Templates>Schedule of Values in the left Navigator.
2 Click the New button. The Properties window opens.
3 Enter a Name and Description in the General tab.
4 Click the Options tab. This tab is used to define the labels that will be used for the SOV column headings. Complete the window as described in the following table.
5 Click OK.


In this field:

Do this:


These labels are displayed as column headings on the SOV sheet. You may change the labels or accept them as is. It is recommended that you use the same labels as is used in the Cost Template and cost sheets.


Refers to a reference number for the entire commit. (Another example of a label for this column is “Order Number.”)

WBS Code

This field is not editable

WBS Item

This field is not editable


The WBS Code Breakdown that you specify in the WBS Details window for that code.


This label refers to the line item description when the SOV is in line item mode.





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