About the Document Manager


The Document Manager provides a robust platform for maintaining a wide variety of files and documents, for example, drawings, spreadsheets, image files, specifications, and various Microsoft Office files. Files can be stored directly in the project or shell Documents node or organized into folders. You can also create shortcuts to commonly used files and folders. The system ensures that all members of your team are always working on the most current versions, and dramatically increases efficiencies by providing ready access to all documents from anywhere at any time.

The Document Manager is available at the project or shell level for project- or shell-specific documents, and at the company level for company-specific or cross-project or shell documents. At both levels, the Document Manager is integrated with business processes and the user-defined reports module. Files uploaded into the Document Manager are stored on the Primavera Unifier file server.

At both the project or shell level and the company level, the Document Manager consists of two nodes:

Project or shell/Company Documents: This is the root node where published documents (that is, documents that are ready to be used by team members) are stored and managed. (The node is labeled project or shell Documents at the project or shell level, and Company Documents at the company level.) You will typically work out of this node when working with your company or project or shell documents. All uploads, downloads, revisions, markups, etc., are performed within this node. Access to specific folders, documents, and shortcuts is independently controlled by permissions.
Unpublished Documents: This is the temporary, automatic repository for files that have been uploaded from local machines and attached to business processes, but which have not yet been published in project or shell documents or company documents. Typically, access to this node is limited by permissions, and a designated document administrator will publish documents from this node into the project or shell or Company Documents nodes for use by team members.

Note: By default, files attached to business processes are placed in the Unpublished Documents folder in the Document Manager. A Publish Path data element can be designed in business processes in Primavera uDesigner to specify the automatic publishing of documents to a specified path and override the default. See "About automatic publishing of documents". For document-type business processes With Folder Structure, you can specify that a configured folder path be appended to the folder structure. This appended path is based on the path configured in the uuu_dm_publish_path data element on the business process form, and the selection of the Append Line Items Folder Structure to AutoPublish Path option, which is documented in the Primavera uDesigner User Guide; see Starting an Upper Form for details.



About the Document Manager

Setting up the Document Manager

About Properties, Permissions and Categories

Importing Document Manager Attribute Forms

Setting Document Manager Administration and User Permissions

Configuring Document Auto-numbering (Auto-sequencing)

Working with Folder Structure Templates

Lock and unlock the first-level folder structure




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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