Define general project properties (General tab)

To define project locations for a project or project template

1 Open the General tab of the Project or Template window.
2 Complete the window as described in the following table.


In this field:

Do this:

Project Number

For Templates, you might enter a phrase such as Enter project number here or information for your Project Administrator regarding how to assign a project number, as each project created from the template will have its own number. When creating a new project, if the Site Administrator enabled automatic project numbering during new company setup, this field will be pre-populated each time a new project is created.

Setup Date

Populates automatically with the current date when the project or template is saved.

Project Name

Enter a project name. For templates, you might enter a generic name or instructions such as Enter Project Name here.


Explain the purpose or intended uses of the project or template (especially if you have multiple templates).


Click Select to open the User/Group picker and select a Project Administrator. For templates, the user will automatically become part of the Project Administrator group for any project created from the template. (Additional administrators can be selected.)

Construction Type

Choose New Construction or Retrofit/Remodel.

Project Status

You can activate the project template immediately, or place it On-Hold or make it View-Only and activate later. A template that is On-Hold, View-Only, or Inactive cannot be used to create a project. It is good practice to leave a project or template On-Hold until you have completed the setup. Project Administrators/Users with “modify project status” rights are the only ones who can change the status.

The project administrator will receive e-mail notification when the status of a project changes. The change of project status could occur due to a manual change, bulk update, through Web Services or a CSV file, or through automatic update.

Status definitions for projects are:

Active: Active, in-progress project. All project actions in User and Administration Mode are available.
On-Hold: The initial project status. On-Hold projects will show up on the projects log. All project administration functionality is available to project administrators for setup and maintenance for Users with permissions to perform that function. Users cannot log into or create records in a project that is On-Hold. When a user attempts to login he/she will get an alert message saying that the project has been put On-Hold.
View-Only: For end users, View-Only projects can be viewed, printed, exported, and included in reports. They cannot be modified. When a shell is View-Only, the status overrides (but does not modify) access control permissions, granting only View permissions. The project reverts to the access control permissions when the project is made Active. View-Only projects can be added to and removed from programs, and can roll up to programs, UDRs, and dashboards. Business process records cannot be auto-created in View-Only projects. Data from View-Only projects does not roll up to Company-level account codes or cost sheets. Data will roll up from View-Only projects to programs, the Planning Manager, and the Asset Manager. No updates can occur to View-Only projects through Integration, SmartForms, Unifier Mobile, or through reverse auto-population. View-Only projects cannot be updated through templates. Consolidate line item functionality is disabled for View-Only projects. View-Only projects have only view, export, and print permissions available.Tasks and Drafts are not available for View-Only projects. Messages are available, but users cannot add general comments. uMail is available for viewing, but users cannot send, edit or delete messages for View-Only projects. When a project becomes View-only, all scheduled jobs associated with it are cancelled. When the status of the project changes back to Active, you must restart any scheduled jobs. Administrators can perform all actions on View-Only projects.
Inactive: Used to suspend project usage. Inactive projects are visible from the Administration Mode under Sponsored Project log only, but not visible under the Projects node (i.e., only Sponsor Company can access the project), or in User Mode logs and selections. Only System and Project Administrators (users with Modify Status rights) can reactivate the project. Late tasks in an inactive project may still show up in users’ tasks logs. Though they can access the task, no transactions can be performed in the inactive project.

Auto-update Status Setup

The selections on the dropdown list are defined automatic status update setups. These setups are defined at the Company level for use in specific projects. See "Setting Up Automatic Status Update" for details. If you decide not to use the automatic status update, you can deactivate it by deselecting a setup (by literally selecting the word “Select”).

Project Type

The selections on the dropdown list are defined in the data set of the Project Type data definition. The default is None. Contact your Company Administrator if you need additional Project Types defined.





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