Set up modules in the project template


Setting up modules is optional. For example, you can configure a Cost Sheet in your project template. When you create a new project using this template, you will have the option of copying this Cost Sheet into the new project.

Project Templates have the same fields as a new Project. Some fields are not filled in or not copied over when you copy from a template because they are not relevant until a project is created, like Project Start Date and Project Image.

Member Companies: You can select project member companies from your company’s list of partner companies. See "Managing Member Companies".

Access Control: Enables setting up default permission settings for users and groups. See "Grant project user permissions through Project Access Control".

Users and Groups: As with projects, you must add at least one user to the project template before you can activate it. Users and groups added to a project template are always copied by default from the template to the project created from it. See "Managing Project Users and Groups".

If your groups are going to be similar across all of your projects, you can define them once in the template rather than creating them in each project. It is not recommended that you put Users into the Project Template unless you know that those users will be on every project. The one exception is that a Project Administrator is required to be named in the template. Users cannot be deleted once they are in the Template, although Users can be deactivated.

Projects Templates can include the following modules:

Business Process Setup: Business Process setups created in the template can be copied over to projects.
Rules: You can define project level cost or funding rules.
Project Information: You can define the business process that will be used in the Project Information: General node.
Gates Setup: You can include a gates setup in your project template. See "Setting Up Gates".
Cost Manager: You can define any or all of the following in a template:
Cost sheet (includes worksheets and work packages): You can create a cost sheet for the project template. This is similar to creating a cost sheet for a project. And like projects, you can also include worksheets and work packages.
Funding sheets: You can create a project fund sheet, and commitment funding sheet structure.
Schedule of values (SOV) structures for general spends and/or payment applications: You can define a General Spends SOV structure by copying from an SOV template in the Templates log. For Payment Applications, you must define the SOV structure manually based on the payment application business process. This means you must first complete the business process setup for the payment application BP before you can create the structure.
Cash flow curves: You can create cash flow curves.

Note: Since only one Cost Sheet, Funding Sheet, SOV structure (of each type) and commitment funding structure can exist in a project, make these choices carefully. Once you create these items in the project template, you can modify them, but will not be able to delete or replace them.

Document Manager, Project Documents: You can create a folder structure for the document manager that can be used across projects. These can be created from Folder Structure Templates, or folders can be added manually. Unlike Folder Structure Templates, you can also assign users (if they are in the project template) folder-level permissions, and can import folders and folder properties.
Resource Manager: You can create the setup and resource sheets in the template.
Schedule Sheet: A Schedule Template will be used to create the Schedule Sheet. Like the Cost Sheet, once this is created, it cannot be deleted.
User-defined Reports: You can create one or more user-defined report templates, which will be used for project user-defined reports. You can import user-defined reports into project templates from project templates in other companies and Unifier environments. See "Importing User-Defined Reports into Project or Shell Templates".

To set up modules in the project template

1 Open the project template.
2 Click a module and add the applicable information. This information can be carried over to new projects created from the template.





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