Create Schedule Sheet Templates

There are three locations for schedule sheet templates in Unifier: in company Templates, in a project template, or in a shell template. Project and shell schedule sheet templates are copied into a new project or shell during cloning, provided you selected Schedule Sheets in the cloning window.

The creation steps are similar for any schedule sheet template; however, Activity Properties in the company-level template only allow you to set up the General and Dependencies tabs. In project or shell schedule sheet templates, you can set up all properties.

To create a schedule sheet template

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
For a company-level template, in the left Navigator, click Templates > Schedule Sheets.
For a project template, in the left Navigator, click Templates > Projects (Standard) > [project] > [project template] > Schedule Manager > Schedule Sheets.
For a shell template, in the left Navigator, click Templates > Shells > [shell type] > [shell template] > Schedule Manager > Schedule Sheets.
2 To create the schedule sheet for the template, use the instructions on creating a schedule sheet in the Unifier Users Guide, Create a project or shell schedule sheet.





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