Updating Schedule Sheet Properties from Templates

If you create project or shells with a template, you can update schedule sheet properties in the projects and shells from schedule sheets in the template. Both the source and destination schedule sheets must have the same name.

What you can do with schedule sheet update:

Change the schedule’s status (active/inactive)
Change auto-control (on/off)
Change auto-update options
Change the scheduled refresh frequency
Change the schedule’s calendar
Change the schedule start date, unless there are activities already in progress or completed
Change activity level access
Change Gantt chart bar labels and dates

Note: Updates of linked schedule sheets do not occur to sheets in projects or shells that have Inactive or View-Only status.

Calendars and Linked Schedule Sheets

When a schedule sheet is initially linked, any calendar associated with that schedule sheet is copied over with the sheet. However, when there are any subsequent updates to the linked sheet from a template, the calendar is not again updated on the sheet.

To update schedule sheet properties from project or shell templates

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
For a project template, in the left Navigator, click Templates > Projects (Standard) > [project] > [project template] > Schedule Manager > Schedule Sheets.
For a shell template, in the left Navigator, click Templates > Shells > [shell type] > [shell template] > Schedule Manager > Schedule Sheets.
2 From the Schedule Sheets log, select the schedule sheet to push.

Both the source and destination schedule sheets must have the same name.

3 Click the Update button and choose:
Properties > [project] or All Projects
Properties > [shell] or All Shells

An Options window opens.

4 On the Options window, select the properties to update:
Auto-control: You can still manually initiate business processes. Unifier disregards predecessor/successor dependency relationships when you manually start an activity, even if auto-control is set to On in the schedule sheet properties.
Schedule Start Date: You can only change the schedule start date if there are no activities in progress or completed. Changing the start date can prompt Unifier to recalculate and roll up resource amounts.
Notify users and/or group on errors
Enforce Group Permission
Auto update activity status based on Actual Start/Finish Date
Activity Progress requires an Actual Start date
Schedule Refresh Properties
Enforce Activity 100% Complete against Actual Finish date
Auto-Update % after entering Actual Finish Date
5 Click OK. You will receive a confirmation of the update. Click OK.

View schedule sheet properties update history

To view update history

1 From the Schedule Sheets log, select the schedule sheet with the updates you want to see.
2 Click the Update button and select History. The Update Projects History or Update Shells History window opens. This window lists the update history for each submitted update.
3 Click the Close Window button when you are finished viewing the history.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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