WBS code options for Primavera XML and Microsoft Project XML

Unifier can recognize the WBS codes imported through XML files and match these codes to equivalent codes in a project or shell cost sheet.

To enter the WBS code options

1 On the Data Mapping Options tab, select the WBS Codes checkbox.
2 Enter the Number of Levels (from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 9). This specifies the number of segments that should be included to build WBS codes based on data from the Primavera XML file. The number of segments considered starts from the top of the imported XML file. If you specify a number of segments and the data in the XML file has fewer segments than that number, then all segments are processed.

Note: You must enter a number of levels if you select the WBS Codes checkbox. However, for Microsoft Project XML files this value is ignored. The WBS Codes are resolved automatically by using the WBS code element in the MS Project XML schema when the MS Project XML file is imported.

3 Optionally, (for Primavera XML only) enter the Suffix Mask you want to use for the WBS code mapping. The mask you enter is added to the WBS code elements that Integration derives from the XML file. The WBS code derived from the XML file with the mask is validated against the WBS codes (leaf level) created for the project or shell Cost Sheet.

While deriving the WBS codes from the XML file, Integration separates segments retrieved from the XML file with the predefined Cost Code Separator (previously defined under Data Definitions in Primavera uDesigner). When specifying the Suffix Mask, be sure to use the same Cost Code Separator if the mask contains more than one segment. You do not need to start the Suffix Mask with the Cost Code Separator. Unifier will add this separator to combine the WBS codes derived from the XML file and the Suffix Mask you enter.

You can use a constant suffix, or use the value of a data element as a suffix:

To use a constant in the Suffix Mask, click the Constant radio button, and enter the suffix you want to have appended to the WBS code.
To use a data element values in the Suffix Mask, click the Data Element radio button and select a data element.
4 Click OK.

Primavera XML and Microsoft Project XML WBS Code interpretation

The data Unifier derives from the Primavera XML file consists of WBS Code segments, and activity and resource data. Upon import, a tree of WBS code elements are combined to form a WBS Code. Each element is a segment of a WBS code. The Activity element is attached to last node of the WBS Code segment. Activity Resource Assignment information is considered.

This is an example of WBS code structure during import from an XML file:

<WBS 1>

<WBS 11>

<WBS 111>

<Activity A>

In above example, actual WBS Code is <WBS 1>.<WBS 11>.<WBS 111>. Activity A contains a reference to its parent (<WBS 111>) WBS code segment. When processing the import of the XML data, Unifier first checks the Activity WBS code element and then builds the rest of the WBS code by moving up the WBS tree structure. In this example, Activity A has WBS 111 as a reference and Unifier use the structure to build the WBS code as WBS 1.WBS 11.WBS 111.

After this WBS code is built, a Suffix mask (for Primavera XML files) is added to the beginning and end of the derived WBS code to create a Unifier WBS code. When the Unifier WBS code is created, it is validated against the WBS code created in the project or shell Cost Sheet.

If an activity is moved from one WBS code to another WBS code, Unifier will move the activity during the XML file processing. If an activity or WBS code is deleted in the imported XML file, and the same activity exists in Unifier, Unifier will not delete that activity or WBS code.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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