Create a shell template

The following procedure describes how to create a shell template.

To create a new shell template

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Templates > Shells in the left Navigator.

Expand the Shells to display the shell types.

3 Click one of the shell type nodes. The <shell> Templates log opens. The log lists any shell templates that have been created under that particular shell type.
4 Click the New button. The <shell> template Details window opens.
5 The General tab you see will depend on the Shell Attributes form that was imported. In the General tab, complete the fields as described in the table below:

In this field

Do this


Enter a description of the shell type template.


Select an administrator for the template.


Disabled for template creation.


You can activate the shell immediately, or place it On-hold and activate later. A template that is On-hold or Inactive cannot be used to create a shell. It is good practice to leave a shell or template On-hold until you have completed the setup. Shell Administrators/Users with “modify shell status” rights are the only ones who can change the status.

The Shell Administrator will receive e-mail notification when the status of a shell changes. The change of shell status could occur due to a manual change, bulk update, through Web Services or a CSV file, or through automatic update.

Status definitions for shells are:

Active: Active, in-progress shell. All shell actions in User and Administration Mode are available.
On-hold: The initial shell status. On-hold shells will show up on the shells log. All shell administration functionality is available to shell administrators for setup and maintenance for Users with permissions to perform that function. Users cannot log into or create records in a shell that is On-hold. When a user attempts to login he/she will get an alert message saying that the shell has been put on-hold.
View-Only: For end users, View-Only shells can be viewed, printed, exported, and included in reports. They cannot be modified. When a shell is View-Only, the status overrides (but does not modify) access control permissions, granting only View permissions. The shell reverts to the access control permissions when the shell is made Active. View-Only shells can be added to and removed from programs, and can roll up to programs, UDRs, and dashboards. Business process records cannot be auto-created in View-Only shells. Data from View-Only shells rolls up to Generic Cost Manager cost sheets if all of the shells in the hierarchy are generic. Data also rolls up to the program level cost sheet, if all of the shells in the hierarchy are WBS type and are included in the program setup, and Schedule Manager information rolls up to the program-level Schedule Sheet. Data rolls up to dashboards on a View-Only shell from child shells in the hierarchy, and rolls up to a parent shell from a View-Only shell. No updates can occur to View-Only projects through Integration, SmartForms, Mobile, or through reverse auto-population. View-Only shells cannot be updated through templates. Consolidate line item functionality is disabled for View-Only shells. Users can navigate through the shell hierarchy using View-Only shell instances. View-Only shells have only view, export, and print permissions available. Tasks and Drafts are not available for View-Only shells. Messages are available, but users cannot add general comments. uMail is available for viewing, but users cannot send, edit or delete messages for View-Only shells. When a shell becomes View-only, all scheduled jobs associated with it are cancelled. When the status of the shell changes back to Active, you must restart any scheduled jobs. Administrators can perform all actions on View-Only shells.
Inactive: Used to suspend shell usage. Inactive shells are visible from the Administration Mode under Sponsored Shell log only, but not visible under the Shells node (i.e., only Sponsor Company can access the shell), or in User Mode logs and selections. Only System and Shell Administrators (users with Modify Status rights) can reactivate the shell.

Note: “Late” tasks in an inactive shell may still show up in users’ tasks logs. Though they can access the task, no transactions can be performed in the inactive shell.

Auto-update Status Setup

The selections on the dropdown list are defined automatic status update setups. These setups are defined at the Company level for use in specific shells. See "Setting Up the Automatic Update of Shell Status" for details. If you decide not to use the automatic status update, you can deactivate it by deselecting a setup (by literally selecting the word “Select”).

Shell Number

Unique number that identifies the shell.


Details for mapping. This field appears if geocoding was set up in Primavera uDesigner for the shell.

6 In the Currency tab, click the Add button. The Edit Exchange Rate window opens.

Note: Note: the Base Currency shown at the top of the Edit Exchange Rate is the Base Currency set up for your company. For example, if yours is a U.S. company, the Base Currency will likely be United States Dollar (USD). If your company does business internationally, you may make other currencies available for shell use.

a Complete the Edit Exchange Rate window:
Click the Select button.
Select a currency from the list and click OK. The available currencies are defined at the time your company was set up. (The currency list is maintained in Standards & Libraries> Exchange Rate.) Contact your Company Administrator if you need additional currencies.
b If the currency you selected is other than the company Base Currency, then complete the following:
Rate: enter an exchange rate to use for conversion calculations. From the dropdown list select one of the following
If Float is selected, the rate comes from the company active exchange rate set (Standards & Libraries > Exchange Rate).
A Peg rate is locked at the rate set. (Only an administrator can change the Peg rate, or Peg to Float or Hedge).
If the Hedge selection is Yes, then the Hedge rate is used. Otherwise, the Float rate will be used. If an amount is entered for the Rate, then the hedge rate is used until the amount specified is reached (by spends) and then the system will revert back to the active exchange rate.  
Click OK to save and exit the Edit Exchange Rate window.
c Select a Default Currency from the drop-down list. This will be used as the default shell currency. Once you have selected a shell currency and saved the template or shell, it cannot be changed. The selections are generated from the Currencies list you defined.

Note: You cannot modify this default currency after you save the changes to the template Detail window.

7 In the Options tab, you can upload an image file. This image is displayed on landing page of the shell in both Administrator and User Modes. Click Browse to browse for the image file and then click the Add button. Also, you can select the phase of the shell on this tab. The phases available are based on the Phase data definition.
8 Complete the Links tab to add links to the shell. These links are displayed on the shell landing page in User Mode. Use links to provide users with access to useful websites, your company’s website, an intranet, or other destinations. Click Add Row and enter the name and URL for the links you want to add to the landing page.
9 In the Calendar tab, create a shell calendar. Each shell can have its own calendar. The shell calendar that you specify can be used to override the Company calendar, or you can use the Company calendar for the shell If there is no shell calendar, or a shell calendar is not in use, the Company-level Standard Calendar marked as the default calendar is the calendar that is used by the shell. Shell calendars can be based on Standard Calendars created at the Company level, or Custom Calendars created for the specific shell. The shell calendar you create applies only to the shell for which you create that calendar. The calendar selected affects shell durations and due dates. For example, companies can have multiple projects in different countries that have different working and non-working days. These working and non-working days must be considered when determining such time-driven factors as business process workflow due dates and activity dates in schedule sheets.

Note: Unless otherwise specified, the default calendar for a shell is the Company calendar that is marked as default at the Company level.

a Open the Calendar tab of the shell or Template window. The calendar you create in this tab is known as the Project/Shell Calendar.
b You can select a Company-level Standard Calendar, or use a Custom Calendar for your shell. The calendar that you select displays in the Calendar tab.
To use a Standard Calendar as the shell calendar, click the Standard Calendar radio button and select a calendar from the drop-down menu.
To use a Custom Calendar as the shell calendar, click the Custom Calendar radio button and click Copy. You can copy a previously-created Standard Calendar and use it as the project calendar.
c You can modify the displayed calendar. You can specify the working and non-working days for the calendar. Browse to the month and year using the pull-down menus at the top of the calendar. Saturdays and Sundays are set as non-working days by default. Do one of the following:
To set a particular date as a non-working day (for example, a holiday), click the date on the calendar and select Non Working. The date will appear grayed out, and will not be used in date calculations.
To set a non-working day as a working day, click a grayed cell and select Working.
To set a particular day of the week (for example, every Saturday) as a non-working day, click the day at the top of the calendar (for example “Sat”), then click Non Working. All Saturdays in the calendar will be changed to non-working days (gray).
To set a particular day of the week as a working day, click the day at the top of the calendar, then click Working.
If you only want to set the day of the week in a particular month as working or non-working days, select each day individually and click Working or Non Working.

Note: If you have marked the day of the week as a non-working day throughout the calendar by selecting the day at the top of the calendar (for example "Sat"), then you will not be able to mark individual days (that is, individual Saturdays in this example) as working days. To be able to include both working and non-working instances of a day of the week on the calendar, you must select them individually.

d Click OK. When you click OK, the calendar displayed in the Calendar tab is the shell calendar.
10 Click Apply to save changes as you enter information, and OK when you are ready to save information and exit the window.





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