Creating a shell instance dashboard in a shell instance or template


You can configure shell instance dashboards in shell instances, or in shell templates. If you create the dashboard in a shell template, you can push it to shells. See "Update shell instance dashboards" for details.

To create a shell instance dashboard in a shell template

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Templates > Shells > [shell type] > [shell instance] > Setup > Dashboards in the left Navigator. The Dashboards log window opens.
3 Click New. The Dashboard Properties window opens.
4 Enter the dashboard name and an optional description. The dashboard name must be unique within the shell instance.
5 Click OK. The dashboard is listed in the log.
6 Select the dashboard in the log and click Open. The default view of the shell instance dashboard opens.
7 Choose Edit > Dashboard. The Edit Dashboard window opens. (See "Configuring shell instance dashboards".)

Note: You might not see data in parts of the dashboard if you do not have specific permissions to access data cubes.





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