Grant shell user permissions through Shell Access Control

Once you have created a shell, assign permissions to the people who need to access the shell. You can use Access Control to grant multiple Users or Groups permission simultaneously, rather than editing the properties for each User or Group individually.

To view or change a shell’s access control

Do either of the following:

Open the shell and switch to Admin mode. Click Access Control in the Navigator.
Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode. Click Company-Sponsored Shells > [shell type] > [shell] in the left Navigator. Then click Access Control in the Navigator.

Primavera Unifier displays a copy of the Navigator menu in the right pane of the window. In this right pane, you may click on different modules of the Navigator menu to set permissions for those functions.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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