Update gates setups

You can update shells with Active or Inactive Gates setups. The Update Shells process runs in the background. Depending on the number of records and shells you are updating, it can take a considerable amount of time to complete. The process is complete when the End Date column in the Update History window shows the complete date.


Some notes about updating Gates setups

The Gates setup update will completely overwrite any existing Gates setup, or will be added if it did not previously exist.
Previously scheduled Gates runs are overwritten by the new Gates setup. If the pushed setup is Active new scheduled Gates runs are scheduled according to the schedule in the new setup.
Both Inactive and Active Gates setups can be pushed in the update.
After update the Gates setup reflects the status of the template.
After the update, the Current Phase in the Gates setup is reset to the First Phase.
After the update, Gates shells will not execute the scheduled refresh if the shell is On-Hold. Gates scheduling will resume automatically when the shell becomes Active.
If you have permission to create Gates setups, you can update Gates setups using Update Shell, even if you do not have permission to access the individual shells.
Users and groups specified in the Email Notification field are added if they do not exist.
Newly-created groups are empty.

To update Gates setups using Update Shell

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Templates > [shell type] > [shell instance] in the left Navigator.
3 In the shell template, click Setup and select Gates.
4 Select a Gates setup.
Shells: You can use this option to select one or more shells to update. When the update window opens, it lists all shells in the project. You can use Find to isolate the shells you want to update. The find window contains data elements from the Find form that was designed in Primavera uDesigner. When you have isolated the shells to update, click the Update button and select either Selected Shell(s) or All Filtered Shells.
All Shells: You can use this option to update all shells of that shell type.
History:You can view the update history from past updates or cancel a request before the update begins.

An Alert window opens letting you know that you are about to push changes to the selected shells; there is no undo for the update.

5 Click Yes if you want to proceed with the update, or No to cancel.





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