Editing Multiple Records at once (Bulk Edit)

If you have a large number of records in a log that need similar edits, you can use Primavera Unifier’s bulk editing feature to update all the forms at once from the log. You can use bulk editing to modify the following types of records:

Workflow and non-workflow multi-record business process records at the company, project, or shell level, and those in master logs
Level and space records at the shell level
Planning item records
Asset records
Records in a code-and-record-based manager

You can update a maximum of 200 records using bulk editing. You must have Allow Bulk Edit permission on the records. Bulk editing uses an integration interface to update multiple records. Your Administrator must design this integration interface in Primavera uDesigner before bulk editing is possible. If you receive a message that the interface has not been created, notify your Administrator.

For business processes, only the upper form can be modified during bulk editing. For all other types of records, the detail form can be modified. All system-generated field values and formula columns on manager sheets are automatically recalculated during the bulk edit.

On business processes, the bulk edit function works only on fields from the action form (upper form) for the current step in a workflow. It cannot be used to edit the following:

Auto-populated fields
Fields in a dynamic data set
Read-only fields
Fields from line items
System-generated fields, such as record number, status, or due date


(1) Bulk edits overwrite data without stopping for you to verify the edit. Be sure you have entered the data you want to edit correctly.

(2) Bulk edit is not available for Resource Booking and Timesheet business processes, or single-record business processes.

(3) If you use bulk edit to update multiple records, and attempt to update a field that has value uniqueness configured, only the first record will be updated (and is therefore unique).

From a master log, you can select records across projects or shells for bulk editing, but the following fields cannot be modified:

Image Picker
Program Picker
Company Picker
Group Name Picker
User Picker
Project Picker
BP Creator

To update multiple records using bulk editing

1 Navigate to the log where the records reside.
2 Select the records you want to bulk edit.
3 Choose Edit > Bulk Edit. The Bulk Edit window opens.

The Bulk Edit window displays all the editable fields from the form that were included on the integration interface.

4 Modify the fields needed.
5 Select the Update checkbox beside the fields that you want to update. The checkbox is automatically selected when you type into or modify a field. You can deselect it if you do not want to modify the field at this time.

Note: If the Update checkbox is selected for an empty field, the field will be updated with a blank value.

6 Click Update. This launches the bulk edit of the selected records.

When you click Update, a Bulk Actions Status window opens, where you can view the progress of the bulk edit.

If you want to cancel the bulk update in progress, click Cancel.

7 After all the records have been processed, click OK.





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Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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