Using and editing saved search criteria


You can save searches for reuse in Tasks logs and business process logs. The searches that you save are available in the logs for you to reuse. You can make them available to other users by making them “public.” When you mark a saved search public, that search can be used by other users in all business process logs to which those users have permissions. You can add searches created by other users (and marked public) to your own list of saved searches.

To use a saved search to search or filter a log

Open the log, click the Filtered By drop-down, and choose the search you want to use. Primavera Unifier will filter the log to show only those records that match that search criteria.

To view and edit a saved search

Once you have saved a search, you can change its name or description and certain other attributes using the Manage Saved Searches window.

1 From your log, click the Edit menu and choose Saved Searches.

The Manage Saved Searches window opens. This window lists all the searches that have been saved for this log by Primavera Unifier users.

The list of saved searches shows:

The name of the search
A description of the search
Whether or not the search has been made public
Who owns the search
(On business process logs) Whether or not this search is the default search that will appear when you use the Filter By menu on the business process log
2 Use the information in the following table to edit the saved searches.


Use this field:



Change the order of saved searches that appears in the Filtered By menu on the log. Click in an Order field and enter a positive number. Then click the Update Order button to see the new order.


Change the name of a saved search. Select the name and enter a new one. You can rename only the saved searches that you have created.


Enter a description for your saved search (up to 150 characters). You can add a description only for saved searches you have created.


Make this search your default search. Select the checkbox to make this search appear first in the Filtered By drop-down menu.

The “Default” option is not available for Tasks log searches.


Make your saved search public; that is, available to other users. Select the checkbox to designate a saved search as public, or deselect the checkbox to make the saved search private.

3 Use the buttons described in the following table to perform other editing options.


Click this button:


Public Searches

View public saved searches created by other users.

To add the search to your list of saved searches, select one or more searches and click Select. You cannot modify saved searches created by other users.
To modify someone else’s saved search for your use, select it (or select multiple searches) and click Copy. This copies the search so you can modify it to create a new search. The new search is initially marked as private, and you are designated as the owner.


Remove a search from your saved searches list. Select the search and click Remove. You can delete only saved searches that you have created.

Move Up / Move Down

Reorder the searches in the list. Select a saved search and move it up or down the list by clicking the Move Up or Move down button.

Update Order

Preview the revised order of the saved searches. The new ordering is saved when you click the Save button.

4 Click Save to save your changes.
5 Click Close Window to close the Manage Saved Searches window.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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