Create a folder

When you create a folder, you become its owner by default and have full read, write, and edit privileges. In order for other users to access the folder and its contents, you must grant permission. It is recommended that you understand the permissions settings before creating folders.

You can also easily create multiple folders under the same parent folder and with similar properties.

Note: It is possible for the first-level folders to be locked by a document administrator, which prevents folders directly under the project or shell or Company Documents node from being changed or added. This prevents the main folder structure from being altered. Subfolders can be added to existing folders.

To create a new folder in the project or shell or Company Documents node

1 Select the folder in which you want to create the new folder, or the project or shell or Company Documents root node.
2 Click the New button (or click File > New > Folder). The Create Folder window opens. The Create Folder window is identical to the Folder Properties window, which can be viewed for existing folders.
3 In the General tab, enter a name for the folder. The other fields are system-defined or optional.
4 The Options tab fields are optional.
5 Click Add. The new folder is created.

To create multiple folders in the same parent folder

1 In the Create Folder window, click the Create Multiple button. This allows you to create multiple folders with similar properties.
2 Add the information in the General and Options tabs for the first folder.
3 When the General and Options tabs are complete for the first folder, click the Create button. The first folder will be created and the Create Folder window will remain open.
4 Give a new name to the second folder and verify the other information in the General and Options tabs. (By default, the same as the first folder, but can be modified.) Click Create to create the second folder.
5 Continue to create folders as needed.
6 Close the Create Folder window when you are done creating folders.





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