Enable Document Manager-generated e-mail notification

As with other modules within Unifier, there are events in Document Manager that can trigger e-mail notifications to other team members. There are three conditions that must be met in order for a user to receive Document Manager e-mails:

Folder Properties window, Options tab: The owner or a user with modify properties permissions on a folder can select the Send email notification to subscribed users checkbox on the Options tab.

This option enables notifications to be generated in the first place for items in the folder. That is, select the checkbox to notify users whenever the folder properties are modified. If the checkbox is not selected, no e-mails will be generated for the folder (or subfolders either, unless the box is selected for subfolders).

Selecting or deselecting this checkbox will automatically apply to all subfolders automatically. This option will not override a user’s e-mail subscription selection in User Preferences.

Permission setting in Document Manager: A user has to be explicitly assigned at least view permissions (at the folder or document level in the Document Manager) to the specific folder, document, or shortcut target in order to subscribe to e-mail notifications.

For example, even if users have full access permission at the module level, they will not get e-mail notifications unless they are on the permission list for the folder, document, or shortcut for which the e‑mail notification would normally be generated.

E-mail Subscription Preference: The user must subscribe to the Document Manager e-mail notifications in User Preferences.

The events that can trigger e-mail notifications are document upload, transfer ownership, move, delete, document revise, and folder rename.





Oracle Corporation

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