Modify folder permissions

When you create or upload a folder, you become its owner and have full access to the folder and its contents.

Setting permissions at the folder level allows you to grant other users access not only to the selected folder, but also (optionally) its contents as well, such as subfolders, shortcuts, and documents. You also have the option of setting individual permission settings to specific shortcuts and documents within the folder, as discussed in the documents and shortcuts sections.

Note: You many want to add yourself to the permissions list. Though not necessary as long as you remain the owner, if you decide later to transfer ownership of the folder, you will no longer have owner permissions. However, you will retain the permissions, if any, that you specify in the permission window.

Note: The project or shell Documents root folder is selectable for modifying permissions.

To modify folder permissions

1 Select the folder in the document log or folder tree and click the Permissions button. The Edit Permissions window opens.

If the Inherit permissions from the parent folder checkbox at the top of the window is selected, then the folder-level permissions will apply automatically and cannot be modified.

2 To modify the folder permissions, deselect Inherit permissions from the parent folder.
3 Do any of the following:
To add a new user, click Add and add users or groups to grant permission. Select the user from the list and grant or remove individual permissions (see below).
To remove a user’s permissions, select the user from the list and click Remove.
To modify a user’s permissions, select the user from the list and grant or remove individual permissions.
4 Select permissions to add to the user or group. The folder permissions apply to the folder and subfolders within it. Document permissions apply to the documents within the folder.
5 If you want these permissions to apply to the documents and folders within the selected folder, select the Apply these permissions to documents and subfolders checkbox.

If this is a subfolder, you can leave this deselected if you want the parent folder permissions to apply. If you select this box, these permissions will take precedent.

6 Click OK.


Edit folder permissions





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