Project or shell Documents and Company Documents logs

The project or shell Documents and Company Documents logs display attributes about the documents and folders listed in them.

The log can be designed in Primavera uDesigner if the folder and document properties have been designed. The following shows the default display of the project or shell Documents and Company Documents logs. The log used in your Document Manager may vary. You may need to use the horizontal scroll bar to view all of the columns.



Icon/Column Heading



The folder or document-type or shortcut icon. The document icons shown in this example are for a bitmap, a formatted document, and a text file.


Indicates that the file has comments.


Indicates that the file is locked or unlocked.

Ref (check or X)

A checkmark indicates that reference files exist and are resolved; an X indicates that there are missing reference files.


An icon indicates that the document is attached to one or more BP records.


The file name of the document and its extension (file type).


The size of the file.

Upload Date

The date the file was uploaded into project or shell Documents.


Owner of the document, folder, or shortcut.


The identifier given to the document upon uploading, which may differ from the file name.

Rev. No.

An optional, manually entered revision number (or version number) of the document.

Issue Date

An optional date and time stamp that the user can define at the time of upload or checking in a file, to identify the issue or publication date outside of Primavera Unifier.

Pub. No.

This system-generated number identifies the number of times the document has been published in the Document Manager. Upon initial upload, the Pub. No. is 1; if it is checked out, revised, and checked back in, it becomes 2, etc.

% Complete

The percent complete of the folder or document. This is a calculated field derived from the overall percent complete as entered for the documents contained within the folder.

Publication Date

Automatic date and time stamp when the document was published in Primavera Unifier.


Shows the full folder path of the item within the project or shell Document node.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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