Upload files and folders using the advanced file transfer method

This method uses Java in addition to the Primavera Unifier File Transfer Application to provide the greatest flexibility and scalability for uploading and downloading files. This option supports drag-and-drop uploading and downloading of multiple files and folders. The file transfer process runs locally on your machine and will search for and retrieve drawing files from your system. You can choose to upload a drawing base file only, or base file and references at the same time. It allows association of base files to reference files already stored in the Document Manager. See "Choose a file transfer option" for details on the Java version and download.

To upload files or folders (intermediate and advanced)

1 In the project or shell Documents or Company Documents node, folders view, select the destination (target) folder into which you want to upload the files.
2 Click the Upload button or select File > Upload. The Upload Files and Folders window opens.
3 Select the files to upload by doing one of the following:
Open Windows Explorer. Select the files or folders that you want to upload and drag and drop them into the Upload window (holding down your mouse button, drag them into the Upload window, then release the mouse button). Repeat for any additional files or folders to upload.
In the Upload window, click the Add button. Browse to and select the files or folders you want to upload. Click Open. Repeat for any additional files or folders to upload.

To select multiple files, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key on your keyboard and then click each file that you want to select.

4 For more options, click the Advanced Options button at the bottom of the window. The File Upload window expands to reveal additional options for handling drawing and reference files and files of the same name.
5 Click the Upload button.
6 (Optional) Resolve missing reference files.

If you included drawing files with reference files, and you are uploading reference files from your system, the Review References window will open. If you are using the Advanced option, the system will look for reference files on your system. If you are using the Intermediate option, the resolve process takes place on the server, so the system will expect the reference files to have been uploaded already or are part of the current upload process.

To review and select reference files, you can:

a Click the View Mode drop-down menu and choose to view the drawing and reference files in a reference tree (displays the folder structure) or flat list (lists drawing and reference files in a flat list with path). All columns are sortable. By default, the sort will be on the link status to show all missing files at the top of the list.
b Review the summary portion of the window, which shows the total number of reference files to be uploaded, and if any are missing (system cannot locate them).
c To manually locate and resolve missing reference files, select a file marked missing and click the Resolve Missing button. Browse to the location of the missing reference file. The reference file must be the same name as shown in the window (from the information in the drawing base file). You cannot choose a file with a different file name. Resolving a missing file will automatically resolve other missing reference files that have the same name and logical source path, so you do not need to resolve the same reference file on multiple base files.
d If the wrong reference has been linked, select one or more files and click the Unresolve button to prevent uploading the reference. The file will remain on the list and be flagged as missing. If the file had other child references, the children will be removed.

Note: You can also skip this step now and resolve the missing reference files at a later time.

7 Click Next when you are ready to upload the files.

The files will begin uploading. As the files upload, the progress bar shows the progress. The upload speed is dependent upon your system and connection and can take several minutes. When the upload is complete, the status and detailed log sections will display

8 Review the log carefully. It will display the list of successfully uploaded files and display any errors in uploading, for example, if you try to upload two files or two folders with the same name; if you have duplicate files or folders, you will need to remove one before continuing; or if a file or folder could not be accessed on your local system for some reason.
9 You can save a copy of the log as a text file for later review. Click the Save to Log File button. Navigate to the location to save the text file.
10 Close the window.


Advanced upload window

Advanced file upload options

Click Advanced Options on the upload window to reveal additional upload options.


Advanced options



File Upload Options


Upload Reference Files

Select this checkbox if you are uploading drawing files (DWG or DGN) that have associated reference files. The Upload Reference Files options are:

Upload reference files from my computer: The system locates the reference files on your local system based on the information in the base file header.
Auto-resolve references from project or shell Documents as Dynamic Links: The system attempts to locate the reference file within project or shell documents based on the information in the header. As reference files are revised, the new revisions are linked automatically to the base file.
Auto-resolve references from project or shell Documents as Status Links: The system attempts to locate the reference file within project or shell documents based on the information in the header. Even if reference files are revised, the base file continues to link to the originally linked version of the reference files.

Revise automatically if the file already exists

If you select this checkbox and upload a file into a folder that already contains a document in it with the same file name, the document will be automatically revised with the newly uploaded version. If you do not select this checkbox, you will not be able to upload a file with the same name. This is not applicable to uploading folders containing files with the same name as existing documents. Files in this case will be ignored and cannot be uploaded.

Folder Upload Options

These options are only applicable if you are using the Advanced File Transfer option.

Upload files only

If you select folders for uploading, only the files within the folders will be uploaded in a flat list.

Upload folders and files

Selected folders and their contents will be uploaded. If the folders do not already exist in the Document Manager, they will be created.


Review References window (reference tree view)





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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