Upload files using the basic (HTML) file transfer method

The HTML method of uploading files into the Document Manager is the most basic method. It has the advantage of allowing you to transfer files to and from the Document Manager without having to install a third-party plug-in. It allows single-file selection for uploads and downloads, and some drawing reference file handling. It does not support uploading or downloading folders, shortcuts, or empty documents.

To upload files using the basic (HTML) file transfer method

1 In the project or shell or Company Documents node, folders view, select the destination (target) folder into which you want to upload the files.
2 Click the Upload button or select File > Upload. The Upload Files and Folders window opens.
3 Click the Browse button and select the file to upload.
4 You can add some properties information at this time in the File Properties box: document title, revision number, and issue date. This information is optional. This information can also be added or imported at a later time.
5 To add another file to upload, click Add Row and select the next file to upload. If you want to remove a file from the list, select the row and click Remove.
6 For more options, click the Advanced Options button at the bottom of the window. The File Upload window expands to reveal additional options for handling drawing and reference files and files of the same name.
7 Click OK to upload the files into the selected destination folder. A progress indicator will display the transfer rate and progress of the upload.
8 When the upload is complete, the completion summary will display. The time it takes to upload depends upon the number and size of the files. If any files failed to upload, for example, duplicate file names, they will be listed on the summary. Click Close to close the window.

Note: If you have uploaded drawing and reference files marked as missing, see "Resolving Missing Reference Files (Reference Manager)".





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