User Preferences Security tab


For security reasons, it is good practice to change your password from time to time. Your administrator may require you to change it at set intervals. Click the dropdown link "To change your password" for directions.

To change your password


You may want to review your company’s Password/Login Policy to see the minimum password requirements, time-out settings, and more. The Password Policy only applies to the Owner/Sponsor company. For Member or Partner company users, the default password policy definitions in their own companies apply. Click the dropdown link "To view your company's password policy" to read the default policy password definitions that your administrator can set.


To view your company's password policy


There may be times when you forget your Primavera Unifier password. You can recover it by answering Secret Questions that you set up yourself. You can add up to three Secret Questions. These questions will be presented if you click the Forgot Password? link on the Primavera Unifier login window. After you answer the Secret Question(s), you will receive e-mail notification of your new password.

It is recommended that you set up the Secret Questions so that you can reset your own password. Otherwise, if you need to recover or reset your password, you will need to contact your company administrator.

To add Secret Questions to use when resetting your password






Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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