Running a user-defined report

Running a user-defined report consists of the following:

Define query parameters if applicable
Review/choose projects or shells to include if applicable
Add runtime notes if applicable
Choose the report format (HTML, CSV, Excel, PDF, XML)
Run the report

The following describes how to run project, shell, program and company-level user-defined reports.

Note: User-defined reports created with data view data types require the data view to be in “published” status. If the data view was changed to “draft” status, the report will not run, and you will see an alert.

To run a user-defined report

1 Open the shell, project, program, or company workspace.
2 Navigate to the Reports log, and click User-Defined. The User-Defined Reports log opens.
3 Select a report in the log and click the Open button. The User-Defined Report window opens.
4 Complete the tabs as described in the following sections:
Query tab: This tab allows the entry of query parameters as defined during creation and set up. For example, you can set up a report to list all leases that expire within 10 days of today. You can also choose to accept the default query parameters, if any.
Projects/Shells tab: The Projects/Shells tab appears for program-level and company-level UDRs and shows all projects and shells with a status of Active, On-Hold, or View-Only. Use this tab to specify which project or shell the report should be saved in.
Notes tab: You can enter report notes that will be included only on the current report results to be generated, and will not be saved or generated in any subsequent report results. To enter notes, the data element runtime notes must be present in the report layout (Edit Report window, Layout tab).
Shells tab: The Shells tab appears for shell-level reports only. On this tab, you can choose to exclude inactive shells in the report run.
5 Click Run to generate the user-defined report.

When the report is generated, you will be prompted to open or save the file. Click Open to view the file. PDF files will open in Acrobat Reader, from which you can save the file to your local drive by clicking File > Save. XML files will open in a pop-up browser window. Or click Save to save the file to your local drive.

Add query parameters (Query tab)

This tab will vary for each report. In the example below, the work order creation date was used for the query parameters. If the report has been set up to enter query parameters, you may enter query information, which will give report results based on records that match the parameters you entered, or you can run a report on all records by leaving the field blank.




In this field:

Do this:

Time Zone

For information purposes, the Query tab displays the time zone that is used for date fields in the report. The default time zone for a report is set up when the report is designed. It can reflect your user time zone, as defined in your user preferences, or it can be fixed to a particular time zone, such as the project location or company headquarters.

Report Format

Choose the format in which the report should appear: HTML, PDF, CSV, Excel, or XML.

HTML Displays the report in the standard format in a browser window. You may print a copy of the report from the browser window. (Click the File menu and select Print or Print Preview.)

CSV Formats the report in an exportable CSV format, usually in Microsoft Excel or another application you have set up for this format. You will be prompted to save the file or open it.

Excel Displays the report in Microsoft Excel format in the browser window. You can save an Excel formatted copy of the report or print from the window. (Click the File menu and select Save As or Print.)

PDF Opens Adobe Acrobat Reader and displays the report in PDF format. You can save a copy of the report and/or print it from the PDF window. (Click the File menu and select Save or Print.)

XML Generates the output in XML format. Before the results are generated, a confirmation window will open, giving you the option to save the XML file to your local machine (click Save), or display the results in a pop-up browser window (click Open).

Save Report Location

If you want to save the report, choose the location it should be saved in.

Save results in Primavera Unifier This checkbox becomes active if you select PDF or XML. Selecting this checkbox will save a copy of the PDF or XML report within Primavera Unifier and make it available for retrieval.

Note: Scheduled report runs can be saved and retrieved in PDF or XML formats and sent to the report owner or to the owner and other users and groups. These are chosen in the Schedule tab of the Edit Report window.

Document Manager saves the report in the Document Manager of Primavera Unifier. If you choose this option, you need to specify a name for the report (Save As) and which folder of the Document Manager it should be saved in (Location).

Select project or shell (Projects/Shells tab)

The Projects/Shells tab appears for program-level and company-level UDRs and shows all projects and shells with a status of Active, On-Hold, or View-Only. Use this tab to specify which project or shell the report should be saved in.


Depending on how the report was set up (specifically, if “Allow users to modify value(s) during execution” was enabled in the creation step), you may add or remove projects or shells from the list as needed. You also have the option of selecting to display the list in the report.

Note: For information on the Report Format section of the window, see the instructions under "Add query parameters (Query tab).

Add runtime notes (Notes tab)

The text entered in the Report Notes field will be included only on the current report results to be generated, and will not be saved or generated in any subsequent report results.

Report notes can be added if the data element Runtime Notes is added to the report layout (Layout tab, Edit Report window).


Note: For information on the Report Format section of the window, see the instructions under "Add query parameters (Query tab).

Select shells (Shells tab)

The Shells tab appears in shell-level UDRs for cross-shell reports. This tab allows you to retrieve data across shells and sub-shells. On this tab, you can choose to exclude inactive shells in the report run.

The selection of shells is determined when the UDR is created. You cannot modify the fields on this tab unless the Shells field says “User Defined.” The non-modifiable options that you will see in the Shells field are:

Current Shell and Sub-shells
Current Shell only
Sub-shells only
User Defined (which allows the selection of a user determined combination of shells).

If the Allow user to modify User-defined list during execution checkbox was selected when the UDR was created, you can modify the list of User Defined shells at run time of the report by using the Add and Remove buttons. You can only add the shells in which you are a member user.


Note: For information on the Report Format section of the window, see the instructions under "Add query parameters (Query tab).

Retrieve scheduled report results

1 Navigate to the project-level, shell-level, program-level, or company-level User-Defined Reports log.
2 Select a report from the log and click the Saved Results button. The Saved Results window opens.


3 Select a saved result and click Open.

You will be prompted to open or save the results file.

4 Click Open to view the file. PDF files will open in Acrobat Reader, from which you can save the file to your local drive by clicking File > Save. XML files will open in a pop-up browser window. Or click Save to save the file to your local drive.

To delete saved report results

1 Navigate to the project-level, shell-level, program-level, or company-level User-Defined Reports log.
2 Select a report from the log and click the Saved Results button. The Saved Results window opens.
3 Select a saved result and click Delete. Click Yes to confirm.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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