View report, project, shell, and record details

You can view the details of the report, such as last sync date and time. You can also open a report and see additional information related to the report, such as project or shell and record details.

To view report details

1 After launching Primavera Unifier Mobile, the main screen displays reports.

2 Select a report.

3 Click Open > Details from the menu. A screen displays where you can see additional information regarding the report. Only the first two columns of the report are displayed.

To view a project or shell list for a report

You can scroll through the list of projects or shells displayed on the screen, and select a record from the list and view the details of it by clicking on Open from the menu.

To view record details

1 Open a report and select a record.
2 Click Open. Details of the record displays.

3 The name of the report displays at the top. You can scroll down and see the complete list of details of the record.

4 Return to the report project or shell list by clicking esc or an equivalent control on the mobile device.

To view a complete detail of a column

Column detail





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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