Create a master schedule sheet

Primavera Unifier allows one master schedule sheet per project/shell. You can mark a schedule sheet in a project or shell and project or shell template as the Master Schedule sheet.

Caution: Upon saving, Master Schedule designation is permanent and cannot be undone.

You can use the master schedule sheet to:

Drive project dates, for example start date, finish date, planned completion, revised completion
Drive activity start and end dates
Track progress of activities over the lifetime of the project
Drive scope management
Post costs to the Cost Manager
Support Cash Flow and Earned Value analysis
Interface with the Resource Manager for resource assignments and availability

You can mark one schedule sheet in a project/shell as the master schedule sheet.

Once you save a schedule sheet as the master, there is no un-do to non-master status.

To mark a sheet as the master schedule sheet

1 In User Mode open the project/shell in the left navigator.
2 Click Schedule Manager > Schedule Sheets. The Schedule Sheets log opens.
3 Select the sheet that you want to make a Master Schedule Sheet and click the Properties button. The Properties window opens on the General tab.
4 Select the Create as master schedule sheet checkbox.
5 Click Yes to confirm.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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