Find an activity

You can search for a specific activity by the values of any column on the schedule sheet.

To search for an activity

1 Open the schedule sheet.
2 Click the Find button on the toolbar. The Find window opens.
3 Complete the window:
Column: Click the drop-down list and choose a column to search on. The default is activity name.
Value: Enter all or part of a value to search for. For example, to search for the word Construction, you can enter the entire word or any part of the word.
Search: Click the drop-down list and choose to search down or up from a selected row. If you do not select a row, the search will begin at the top row.
4 Click Find Next. If an activity is found that matches the search criteria, the row will be highlighted. To keep searching, click Find Next again.
5 When you are done searching, click Cancel to close the window.





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