Refreshing Schedule Sheet data

A schedule sheet refresh is required if there are changes to project costs, activity costs, for example role rates and amounts, currency rates, and schedule sheet or activity calendars. When the schedule sheet requires a refresh, you will see a refresh icon in the log. When you open a schedule sheet that requires a refresh, you will be asked if you want to refresh the data in the sheet. If you decline the refresh the schedule sheet will not open.

Schedule sheet refresh options are set on the Refresh tab of the schedule sheet properties. Options include:

Cost: Refresh the cost data only from the associated WBS code
Schedule: Refresh the schedule data only, based on dates
Cost and Schedule: Refresh both the cost and schedule data
Set Frequency: Define the schedule sheet refresh frequency. This scheduled refresh updates both cost and schedule data.
History: View the schedule sheet refresh history

Schedule sheet refresh can fail if:

An activity has more than one WBS code
A cost sheet column to which a schedule sheet column is associated is deleted from the cost sheet

To set the frequency of schedule sheet refresh

The schedule sheet refresh frequency you set is shown in the schedule sheet log under the column heading Scheduled.

1 Navigate to the schedule sheet log.
2 Select one or more schedule sheets.
3 Choose Refresh > Set Frequency.



4 Select the Enable scheduled refresh checkbox.
5 Select the Frequency and the Range of Recurrence.
6 Click OK.

To view schedule sheet refresh history

1 Navigate to the schedule sheet log.
2 Choose Refresh > History.



3 Select a record and click Open to view history details.
4 Click Cancel Request to cancel any history query that has not started (has no Start Date).
5 Click Close Window.





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