Restrict Access to Activity fields and columns

You can restrict user access to selected fields and columns (those based system defined data elements on the General tab, which are on the Activity Attribute form and on the Resource tab, which are on the Resource Assignment Attribute form).

Note: These restrictions also apply to schedule sheet columns when a restricted data element is used as a column.

After a field or column is marked with restricted access for selected users or groups, those users or group members cannot modify those data elements (fields). For Start Data, Finish Date and Duration data elements, users that are restricted cannot modify this group data elements, even if they have restriction on any one of the data elements in the group. Also, the Gantt Chart will be disabled for a user if the Start, Finish, and Duration data elements are restricted for that user.

If a data element cannot be modified by a user or group then data imported through CSV / XML for that data element is ignored. If there is any failure in validation (both user and system defined), Primavera Unifier will stop data import.

To restrict access to specified system defined data elements

1 Navigate to the schedule sheet log.
2 Open a schedule sheet.
3 Choose File > Restrictions. The Restrictions Setup window opens.
4 Add the user or group name whose access you want to restrict.
5 Choose the data elements to restrict. The data elements listed for the Activity Attribute form and the Resource Assignment Attribute form are those that are system defined (the data element name starts with uuu_) and were added to the forms. You can select all of the listed data elements, or individual data elements.
6 Click OK.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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