Set Schedule Sheet Baselines

A baseline is a set of original project or shell estimates. It consists of the following for a task:


Comparing multiple baselines provides insight into project health. With the original estimates, you can track the progress of a project or shell and compare its state at any given time. Primavera Unifier leverages the WBS code association between schedule sheets and earned value (EV) sheets to construct baseline comparison. The best way to do this is to:

Copy the schedule sheet to establish a new baseline
Create a corresponding detail-level EV sheet for the new schedule sheet
Create a summary EV sheet to compare selected baseline information

For more information, see Create an earned value sheet.

You can save up to 11 sets of baselines in a single project or shell schedule sheet. You can use these various baselines as snapshots of your project or shell progress over time, with each baseline corresponding to key project or shell events.

The first baseline that you save is named Baseline. Subsequent baselines are named Baseline 1 through Baseline 10. The baseline sets are system-defined data elements that your administrator has included on the activity attribute form. When you set up the baselines, the values from the start, finish, and duration elements are mapped to the baseline set.

Note: The baseline columns are not required, but you must use all three of them, if you use them at all. You must use the complete baseline set of columns (start, finish, and duration) in your sheet. You cannot use one baseline column alone.

All baseline attributes are read only in the schedule sheet. They can be modified only via the set/clear schedule sheet baseline actions. Users with the Edit Data and Structure permission on the schedule sheet can set or clear baselines.

Note: The Edit data permission allows you to import data.

All baseline attributes are read-only on the schedule sheet. They can be modified only via the set/clear schedule sheet baseline actions. Users with the Edit Data and Structure permission on the schedule sheet can set or clear baselines..

You can also set baselines on projects or shells listed on an Activity Sheet. See "Set Up Activity Sheet Baselines" for details.

To set a baseline on a schedule sheet

1 Open the schedule sheet in the log. If you modify the schedule sheet, you must save the sheet before you can set baselines.
2 Choose Edit > Baseline. The Set Baseline window opens.
3 Select the baseline to set. The Set baseline radio button is selected by default. Only baselines that have been designed in Primavera uDesigner are available.
4 Click OK. The values from the start, finish, and duration elements are copied into the corresponding baseline elements. If the baseline elements contain data, you will receive a warning that the baseline will be overwritten You can choose whether to override the data.

To clear a baseline on a schedule sheet

1 Open the schedule sheet in the log.
2 Choose Edit > Baseline. The Set Baseline window opens.
3 Select the baseline you want to clear.
4 Select the Clear baseline radio button.
5 Click OK.





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Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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