Shell relationships and Hierarchy


With shells, you can create projects to show relationships and hierarchy or more accurately represent a real-world physical or organizational structure. This differs from standard projects in that if you have multiple projects that are related, they are all listed in the project log in a flat list at the same level. Although you can group them in programs, you cannot express the inherent relationship among projects. Shells can have a hierarchical relationship, with as many levels as needed. For example:

Region (shell)
Properties (subshell)
Buildings (subshell)
Buildings (subshell)
Projects (subshell)

In this simple hierarchy, the shell Region was created and named in Primavera uDesigner. The Region shell has the subshells Properties, Buildings, and Projects. The subshell Properties also has a subshell called Buildings.

Note: In the above example, the subshell called Project is a shell of the type Project (Standard), not a standard project.

Before you start creating shell type templates and shell instances, plan the hierarchy with your administrator and Primavera uDesigner designer. The settings and configuration affect the shell’s type and relationship to other shells. Planning helps you achieve the result that meets your business needs.

When creating a hierarchy, Primavera Unifier validates the shell-subshell relationships and prevents you from creating invalid or circular hierarchies. For example, the shell Region cannot contain a Region subshell, because a shell can never be a subshell of itself.





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