Working with Shell features

The Navigator displays the shell-related features that you have permission to access. Depending on the modules that your company has set up and your access permissions, the following shell functions are available.

Note: Company administrators can configure the Navigator to better suit business needs, such as creating nodes to store business process records.

Alerts: You can create customized alerts for a condition or event.
uMail: An internal e-mail feature that allows Primavera Unifier shell team members to communicate with each other and maintain a record of the communications. For shells with View-Only status, uMail is available for viewing, but you cannot send, edit or delete messages.
Mailbox: The Mailbox is the repository that collects external emails related to the shell. These emails can come from shell users or from external users who do not use Primavera Unifier. From the Mailbox, users can forward the emails to appropriate members, flag them for review, and reply to them. In addition, these external emails can be linked to business process records. See "Using the Shell Mailbox" for details.
Collaboration (Tasks, Messages, Drafts): Lists current business process tasks that have been assigned to you, that you have been copied on, and draft copies you have saved. Tasks and Drafts are not available for View-Only and Inactive shells. Messages are available for View-Only shells, but you cannot add general comments.
Information: Lists the shell directory and general BP information.
Gates: Displays phase and gates information, and enables manual or automatic advancement of phases.
Configurable Modules: The configurable modules that have been created to work with your shells.
Cost Manager: Access shell-level cost manager functions.
Document Manager: Repository of shell documents, allowing collaboration, revision control, or markups.
Reports: Access to system and user-defined reports.





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