About Data Pickers

Data pickers are designed to work with business process logs (including master logs), shells, planning items, and configurable managers that function across a shell hierarchy. The purpose of a data picker is to make it easier for users to choose records:

From a business process log
From a class in a configurable manager that operates across shells
From a planning item type that resides across shells
For auto-creation across shells

Note: The data displayed on data pickers is not restricted by permissions. Users will see all business processes, manager classes, or shells, regardless of their permissions.

User data pickers are designed for a different purpose. For information on these data pickers, see  About User Data Pickers


Data pickers are designed in Primavera uDesigner and set up to query the database by the Administrator in Primavera Unifier. In operation, a data picker navigates to a specific business process, shell, planning item, or configurable manager and then extracts the records to display on the list by using a query the Primavera Unifier administrator sets up.

Data pickers work differently from the other pickers that Oracle Primavera provides. Most pickers display a flat list of records for users to choose from:



A data picker, instead, can display a navigation structure to guide Primavera Unifier users to the correct location where a record resides, such as a specific shell, a specific class in a configurable manager, a specific planning item, or a specific business process. A data picker helps to prevent users from inadvertently choosing the wrong record from a picker list. It is also useful for filtering large amounts of records into more manageable lists to choose from.

Below is a list of Work Order business process records that has been structured using a data picker. It shows an extra navigation column on the left.


Data Pickers Use an Advanced Log

To help ensure that the user navigates to the correct record, data pickers work with Oracle Primavera’s Advanced Log feature. This feature is optional, but highly recommended, as it creates the tree or hierarchy structure that makes the data picker easily navigable and more likely to ensure that the user selects the correct record.

An Advanced Log should be designed for any shell, planning item, configurable manager class, or business process that contains records that will be displayed on a data picker.

A data picker with no Advanced Log shows only a flat list of all the records:



A data picker with an Advanced Log displays a tree structure where users can drill down to more specific records:


How Data Pickers Work with Shells

Data pickers are especially useful for auto-creating business processes across a shell hierarchy. A data picker can link to a shell picker to display only the shells you specify, which helps to prevent users from choosing the wrong shell for auto-creation. You can create a data picker for each shell type (such as buildings, regions, or properties). In operation on a business process form, a BP Creator element on the form will then know which shell to auto-create the new business process in.

If the newly created business process has the same data picker configuration as the creator step or form, then the value in the data picker will be copied over to the new record. If the data picker configurations differ, the value will not be copied. For example, business process A in shell Building 100 creates business process B. On business process A, the data picker is configured to show shell Building 100. However, if the data picker on business process B is configured to a different shell, the data picker value will not be copied over.


Data pickers support both S step (workflow) and BP Creator types of auto-creation.


To facilitate auto-creation, you need to use Primavera uDesigner’s formula feature to create a link between the data picker and the appropriate shell. For instructions on linking the data picker to a shell, see Linking Data Pickers Using a Formula.

To select records from across shells

Data pickers allow users to pick business process records across shells. When you create the data definition for each picker, you link it to a specific shell type. When placed on a business process form, the picker will show the business process records across the shell hierarchy.

Using linked elements for the advanced log

If you are using linked elements in your shell hierarchies, you can use the linked element(s) as part of the tree structure in an advanced log to group the records under a navigation node. Thereafter, if the hierarchy is reorganized, the tree structure will automatically reflect the reorganization for the data picker(s).or reverse auto-population

How Data Pickers Work With Configurable Managers

Data pickers work in several ways with code-and-record-based configurable managers.

To select records from the same class across shells

Data pickers can aid Primavera Unifier users in picking business process records from the same manager class across shells.

By creating a data picker for a manager class, and placing it on a business process detail form, you can allow users to pick records of a class from across shells. When you create the data picker definition, you will link the data definition to a specific class. Then, from the definition that is linked to a class, you can create data pickers to place on business process forms.

To Enable Value Rollups to Configurable Managers

A manager picker is necessary on any form containing data you want to roll up to the manager sheet. The manager picker is the field that implements the rollup. Therefore, to implement cost and quantity rollups to a manager sheet, you need to link the manager picker to a data picker on the same form. Once you establish this connection, business processes can roll up quantity information and line item costs from the data picker, via the manager picker, to the manager sheet.

For instructions on connecting pickers using a formula, see Connecting Data Pickers Using a Formula.


For the manager sheet, rollup data can come only from the following business processes.

At project/shell level:

Cost - Line Items with Multiple Codes
Line Item, Generic

At the company level:

Line Item, Generic

In formulas

You can use a data picker element in a string formula to create part of a manager code or a manager navigation code.

For auto-population

You can auto-populate data elements on business process forms across shells from a data picker. You can also populate a data picker from:

Single-record BP
Business Process Picker
Upper form of a business process
Another data picker

For reverse auto-population

You can design reverse auto-population from a data picker back to a configurable manager class record at the project/shell or company level.

During the reverse-auto-population operation, Primavera Unifier will verify that the value is valid on the destination form; that is, that the user can manually launch the data picker on the destination form and select the same value. To verify this, Primavera Unifier will run the query for the data picker on the destination form.

How Data Pickers Work With the Planning Manager

Data pickers work in several ways with the Planning Manager.

To select records from the same planning type across shells

Data pickers can aid Primavera Unifier users in picking records from the same planning type across shells.

By creating a data picker for a planning type, and placing it on a business process or shell detail form, you can allow users to pick records of a planning type from across shells. When you create the data picker definition, you will link the data definition to a specific planning type. Then, from the definition that is linked to a planning type, you can create data pickers to place on business process or shell forms.

Using linked elements for the advanced log

If you are using linked elements on your planning types, you can use the linked element(s) as part of the tree structure in an advanced log to group the records under a navigation node.

For auto-population

You can auto-populate data elements on business process and shell forms from a planning item data picker. You can also populate a planning item data picker from:

Single-record BP
Business Process Picker
Upper form of a business process
Another data picker

For reverse auto-population

You can design reverse auto-population from a data picker back to a planning item type record at the project/shell or company level. Or, you can design reverse auto-population from a business process back to a planning item attribute form.

During the reverse-auto-population operation, Primavera Unifier will verify that the value is valid on the destination form; that is, that the user can manually launch the data picker on the destination form and select the same value. To verify this, Primavera Unifier will run the query for the data picker on the destination form.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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