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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 3/13
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Document Information


1.  Overview of Resource Management

2.  Developing a Data Service

3.  Resource Management API Reference

4.  Modifying a Resource Type

5.  Sample Data Service

6.  Data Service Development Library

7.  Designing Resource Types

8.  Sample DSDL Resource Type Implementation

9.  Oracle Solaris Cluster Agent Builder

10.  Generic Data Service

11.  DSDL API Functions

12.  Cluster Reconfiguration Notification Protocol

13.  Security for Data Services

A.  Sample Data Service Code Listings

B.  DSDL Sample Resource Type Code Listings

C.  Requirements for Non-Cluster Aware Applications

Multihosted Data

Using Symbolic Links for Multihosted Data Placement

Host Names

Multihomed Hosts

Binding to INADDR_ANY as Opposed to Binding to Specific IP Addresses

Client Retry

D.  Document Type Definitions for the CRNP

E. Application


Host Names

You must determine whether the data service ever needs to know the host name of the server on which it is running. If so, the data service might need to be modified to use a logical hostname, rather than the physical hostname. In this sense, a logical hostname is a host name that is configured into a logical hostname resource that is located in the same resource group as the application resource.

Occasionally, in the client-server protocol for a data service, the server returns its own hostname to the client as part of the contents of a message to the client. For such protocols, the client could be depending on this returned hostname as the host name to use when contacting the server. For the returned hostname to be usable after a failover or switchover, the hostname should be a logical hostname of the resource group, not the name of the physical host. In this case, you must modify the data service code to return the logical hostname to the client.