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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for SAP liveCache Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 3/13
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1.  Installing and Configuring HA for SAP liveCache

HA for SAP liveCache Overview

Installing and Configuring HA for SAP liveCache

Planning the HA for SAP liveCache Installation and Configuration

Configuration Requirements

Standard Data Service Configurations

Configuration Considerations

Configuration Planning Questions

Preparing the Nodes and Disks

How to Prepare the Nodes

Installing and Configuring liveCache

How to Install and Configure liveCache

How to Enable liveCache to Run in a Cluster

Verifying the liveCache Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the liveCache Installation and Configuration

Installing the HA for SAP liveCache Packages

How to Install the HA for SAP liveCache Packages

Registering and Configuring the HA for SAP liveCache

Setting HA for SAP liveCache Extension Properties

How to Register and Configure HA for SAP liveCache

Verifying the HA for SAP liveCache Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the HA for SAP liveCache Installation and Configuration

Tuning HA for SAP liveCache Fault Monitors

Factors That Affect the Interval Between Fault Monitor Probes

Operations by the HA for SAP liveCache Fault Monitors During a Probe

Operations by the SAP liveCache Fault Monitor During a Probe

Operations by the SAP xserver Fault Monitor During a Probe

Faults Detected by the HA for SAP liveCache Fault Monitors

Faults Detected by the SAP liveCache Fault Monitor

Faults Detected by the SAP xserver Fault Monitor

Recovery Actions in Response to Detected Faults

Monitoring the Termination of liveCache by a User

Upgrading the SUNW.sap_xserver Resource Type

Information for Registering the New Resource Type Version

Information for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type

A.  HA for SAP liveCache Extension Properties


Installing and Configuring liveCache

This section contains the procedures that you need to install and configure liveCache.

How to Install and Configure liveCache

Use this procedure to install and configure liveCache.

  1. Install and configure SAP APO System.

    See Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for SAP Guide for the procedures on how to install and configure SAP APO System on Oracle Solaris Cluster software.

  2. Install liveCache.

    Note - Install liveCache by using the physical hostname if you have not already created the required logical host.

    For more information, see your SAP documentation.

  3. Ensure that the liveCache administrator user is in the sdba user group.

    The format of the liveCache administrator user's user ID is lc-nameadm.

    If you are creating the liveCache administrator user manually, add the following entry to the /etc/group file:


    The group's unique numerical ID (GID) within the system


    Lowercase name of liveCache database instance

    For more information about the /etc/group file, see the group(4) man page.

  4. Become liveCache administrator user, create the .XUSER.62 file for the SAP APO administrator user and the liveCache administrator user by using the following command.

    Note - This user whose home directory contains the .XUSER.62 file is an internal database user who has permissions to start, stop, and query the database.

    $ dbmcli -d  LC-NAME -n logical-hostname-ususername,passwd

    Uppercase name of liveCache database instance


    Logical hostname that is used with the liveCache resource


    Caution - Neither SAP APO transaction LC10 nor HA for SAP liveCache functions properly if you do not create this file correctly.

  5. Copy /usr/spool/sql if it exists, from the node or zone, on which you installed liveCache, to all the nodes or zones that will run the liveCache resource. Ensure that the ownership of these files is the same on all node or zone as it is on the node or zone on which you installed liveCache.


    # tar cfB /tmp/usr-spool.tar /usr/spool/sql
    Log in to the destination zone.
    # scp root@soruce:/tmp/usr-spool.tar /tmp
    # cd /
    # tar xfb /tmp/usr-spool.tar

    Specifies the node or zone where you installed SAP liveCache.

  6. Copy the /etc/opt/sdb directory and its contents from the node or zone on which you installed liveCache, to all the nodes or zones where resources for liveCache will run. Ensure that the ownership of these files is the same on all nodes or zones as it is on the node or zone on which you installed liveCache.
    # tar cfB /tmp/opt-sdb.tar /etc/opt/sdb
    Log in to the target zone.
    # scp root@source:/tmp/opt-sdb.tar /tmp
    # cd /
    # tar xfb /tmp/opt-sdb.tar

    Specifies the node or zone where you installed SAP liveCache.

  7. Create a link from the /sapdb/LCA/db/wrk directory to the /sapdb/data/wrk directory as follows:
    # ln -s /sapdb/data/wrk /sapdb/LCA/db/wrk
  8. Ensure that all the required system files have been copied from the install node or zone to all the nodes or zones that will run the liveCache resource. The required files include /etc/group, /etc/passwd, /etc/project, and /etc/user_attr.

How to Enable liveCache to Run in a Cluster

During a standard SAP installation, liveCache is installed with a physical hostname. You must modify liveCache to use a logical hostname so that liveCache works in an Oracle Solaris Cluster environment. Use this procedure to enable liveCache to run in a cluster.

  1. Create the failover resource group to hold the network and liveCache resource.
    # clresourcegroup create [-n node-zone-list] livecache-resource-group
  2. Verify that you added all the network resources you use to your name service database.
  3. Add a network resource (logical hostname) to the failover resource group.
    # clreslogicalhostname create -g livecache-resource-group \
    -h lc-logical-hostname lc-logical-hostname

    Note - If you require a fully qualified hostname, you must specify the fully qualified name with the -h option and you cannot use the fully qualified form in the resource name.

  4. Enable the failover resource group.
    # clresourcegroup online -M livecache-resource-group
  5. Enable the network resource (logical hostname).
    # clresource enable lc-logical-hostname
  6. Log on to the node or zone that hosts the liveCache resource group.
  7. As the liveCache administrator user, start SAP xserver manually on the node or zone that hosts the liveCache resource group.
    # su - lc-nameadm
    $ x_server start

    Lowercase name of liveCache database instance

  8. Log on to SAP APO System by using your SAP GUI with user DDIC.
  9. Go to transaction LC10 and change the liveCache host to the logical hostname you defined in Step 3.
    liveCache host: lc-logical-hostname