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Oracle® Healthcare Transaction Base Installation Guide
Release 6.1.1

Part Number E37798-03
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7 Backing Up HTB

It is useful to have a hard backup of the entire system as a safety point. The use of tar backups can be regularly updated and a strategy to possibly have snapshots of various stages of the development cycle can ensure safe rollbacks. Oracle recommends that a freshly installed system be backed up immediately after basic testing as it will enable the user to rollback to an empty database. Create a tar/zip backup after totally shutting down the system and move the backup files to an external data store.

Steps 1 to 3 below apply to all operating systems while steps 4 to 6 are only for Linux. Note that if a RAC database is installed, the database must be backed up by other means such as the Oracle RMAN tool. The process below does not take into account the existence of RAC database nodes and ASM space management. The root user should be used to perform the following backups so that all the files can be accessed. If root is not available make sure that you have read access to all the files in each file system. Perform the following steps to back up HTB:

  1. Back up the E-Business Applications Tier. If you are installing HTB in multi-user configuration, all Applications Tier components are located within the appmgr user $HOME directory structure. For Oracle Applications E-Business Suite R12, all Applications Tier components are installed within the $HOME/apps and $HOME/inst subdirectories. The main Applications Tier components consist of the following directory structures:$APPL_TOP$COMMON_TOP$INST_TOP$ORACLE_HOME$IAS_ORACLE_HOME.For example, if a business suite instance htb6prod is installed, on server unix01 and filesystem /u01 using Unix user appmgr, with the following subdirectories:$APPL_TOP=/u01/appmgr/apps/apps_st/appl$COMMON_TOP==/u01/appmgr/apps/apps_st/comn$INST_TOP=/u01/appmgr/inst/apps/htb6prod_unix01ORACLE_HOME=/u01/appmgr/apps/tech_st/10.1.2IAS_ORACLE_HOME=/u01/appmgr/apps/tech_st/10.1.3.

    you can back up $HOME/apps and $HOME/inst and include all the subdirectories to complete it's Applications Tier backup.

  2. Back up the Database Tier by including the data and db files on the Database Tier Server. If you are installing HTB in multi-user configuration, all Database Tier components are located within the oracle user $HOME directory structure. For Oracle Applications E-Business Suite R12, all Oracle Tier components are installed within the $HOME/db subdirectories. The main Oracle Tier components consist of the following directories: $ORACLE_HOME $DATA_TOP. For example, if a business suite instance htbprod is installed, on server unix01, and filesystem /u01 using Unix user oracle, the main Oracle Tier will consist of the following directories: $ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0 DATA_TOP=/u01/oracle/db/apps_st/data You can back up $HOME/db and include all the subdirectories to complete it's Database Tier backup.

  3. Back up the HTB version deployed on the Application Server Tier by including the OC4J directory. If this is from a 10gAS mid tier install, the directory is named according to your instance name. For a stand alone installation, it is named according to the directory where you unzipped the file.

  4. Back up the home directories for all users.

  5. Back up the /etc/oraInst.loc file from all servers.

  6. Back up the /etc/oraInventory and /etc/oratab directories. Note that it assumes that the oreInst.loc file points to /etc as the location of the oraInventory.