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在 Oracle Solaris 11.1 中保护网络安全 Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library (简体中文) |
要在启动 Oracle Solaris 时启用 IPsec 安全策略,请创建一个配置文件以通过特定的 IPsec 策略项来初始化 IPsec。此文件的缺省名称为 /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf。有关策略项及其格式的详细信息,请参见 ipsecconf(1M) 手册页。在配置策略后,可以使用 svcadm refresh ipsec/policy 命令刷新该策略。
Oracle Solaris 软件中包括样例 IPsec 策略文件 ipsecinit.sample。您可以使用此文件作为模板来创建自己的 ipsecinit.conf 文件。ipsecinit.sample 文件包含以下示例:
... # In the following simple example, outbound network traffic between the local # host and a remote host will be encrypted. Inbound network traffic between # these addresses is required to be encrypted as well. # # This example assumes that is the IPv4 address of this host (laddr) # and is the IPv4 address of the remote host (raddr). # {laddr raddr} ipsec {encr_algs aes encr_auth_algs sha256 sa shared} # The policy syntax supports IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as well as symbolic names. # Refer to the ipsecconf(1M) man page for warnings on using symbolic names and # many more examples, configuration options and supported algorithms. # # This example assumes that is the IPv4 address of this host (laddr) # and is the IPv4 address of the remote host (raddr). # # The remote host will also need an IPsec (and IKE) configuration that mirrors # this one. # # The following line will allow ssh(1) traffic to pass without IPsec protection: {lport 22 dir both} bypass {} # # {laddr dir in} drop {} # # Uncommenting the above line will drop all network traffic to this host unless # it matches the rules above. Leaving this rule commented out will allow # network packets that does not match the above rules to pass up the IP # network stack. ,,,
无法更改已建立连接的 IPsec 策略。其策略不能更改的套接字称为锁定的套接字。新策略项不保护已锁定的套接字。有关更多信息,请参见 connect(3SOCKET) 和 accept(3SOCKET) 手册页。如果有疑虑,请重新启动连接。
安全漏洞通常是由工具使用不当造成的,而并非由工具本身引起。应慎用 ipsecconf 命令。请将 ssh、控制台或其他硬连接的 TTY 用作最安全的操作模式。