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Oracle Knoweldge Third Party Software Acknowledgments - Release 8.6

Oracle Knowledge Third Party Software Acknowledgments

The following lists the Open Source, Public Domain, and Commercial software components used in Oracle Knowledge Release 8.6.

We use the OpenSource Initiative nomenclature for license naming.

Please see for License Templates.

Open Source Components

The following sections list the open source components used in Oracle Knowledge Release 8.6 by license type:

Apache Software Foundation and Apache Sub-Projects
Software Distributed under the Apache License
Software Distributed under the BSD License
Software Distributed under the LGPL License
Software Distributed under the MIT License
Software Distributed under Other Licenses
Software in the Public Domain

Commercial Components

Oracle Knowledge Release 8.6 incorporates the commercial third party software components listed in Commercially Licensed Software.

Apache Software Foundation and Apache Sub-Projects

Copyright (c) 1995 - 2007 Apache Foundation

  Project Component
  Ant Ant
  Ant ant-launcher.jar
  Avalon Avalon
  Axiom Axiom
  Axis Axis2
  Batik Batik
  Commons BSF
  Commons BeanUtils
  Commons CLI
  Commons Codec
  Commons Collections
  Commons Commons IO
  Commons commons-logging
  Commons Configuration
  Commons DBCP
  Commons DbUtils
  Commons Digester
  Commons Discovery
  Commons FileUpload
  Commons Jelly
  Commons Jexl
  Commons Lang
  Commons Lang Concurrent
  Commons Modeler
  Commons Net FTP
  Commons Pool
  Commons Validator
  DB Project Apache Derby
  Hivemind Hivemind
  HttpComponents HttpClient
  HttpComponents HttpCore
  Jakarta Jakarta Oro
  James Mime4J
  Logging Services Apache Extras Companion for Apache log4j
  Logging Services Log4J
  Lucent Apache Lucene
  MyFaces Trinidad
  Tacos Tacos
  Tapestry Tapestry
  Tiles Tiles
  Tika Tika
  Web Services Axis
  Web Services Neethi
  Xerces xercesImpl.jar
  XML Xalan-Java
  XML Commons xml-apis.jar
  XML Commons xml-commons
  XML Graphics xmlgraphics-commons
  XMLSchema XMLSchema

License Type:  Apache License 1.1 & 2.0
Apache 1.1 License
Apache 2.0 License

Software Distributed under the Apache License

  Project / Owner Component
  Ant-Contrib ant-contrib
  Castor Castor XML
  Checkboxtree checkboxtree
  Andy Clark NekoHTML
  Jackson Jackson JSON Processor
  Codehaus Jettison
  Glen Smith OpenCSV
  Google GSON
  javax.inject API javax.inject API
  OpenRico rico
  PDFBox PDFBox Library
  Quality Open Software Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)
  Red Hat Hibernate Validator RI (JSR 303)
  RedHat, Inc. JBoss community validation-api
  Saxpath Saxpath
  Shigeru Chiba javassist
  SourceForge cglib (Code Generation Library)
  Spring Spring Framework
  Spring Spring Security
  Spring Spring Web Flow
  Terracotta, Inc. Ehcache
  Woodstox wstx-asl

License Type:  Apache License 1.1 & 2.0
Apache 1.1 License
Apache 2.0 License

Software Distributed under the BSD License

  Project / Owner Component
  Keycode Keycode
  Dojo Foundation Dojo Toolkit
  Stanislaw Osinski et al Carrot2 - Open Source Search Results Clustering Engine
  Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) AntiSamy
  Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Enterprise Security API (ESAPI)
  Joe WalnesXstream  License Text

License Type:  BSD
BSD License

Software Distributed under the Common Public License (CPL)

  Project / Owner Component
  JUnit JUnit

License Type:  CPL 1.0
CPL 1.0 License

Software Distributed under the LGPL License

  Project / Owner Component
  JCaptcha JCaptcha
  JGroups JGroups
  Trove Trove

License Type:  LGPL 2.1
LGPL 2.1 License

Software Distributed under the MIT License

  Project / Owner Component
  Ben Alman
  Christian Bach tablesorter
  Dmitry Baranovskiy Raphael JavaScript Library
  GitHub Dracula Graph Library
  Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc. Underscore.js
  Ariel Flesler jquery.scrollTo
  John Resig jQuery
  jQuery alerts jQuery.alerts
  Jupiter JavaScript MVC
  Raphael Zoom Raphael Zoom plugin
  Mika Tuupola and Dylan Verheul jquery.editable
  Sam Stephenson Prototype
  Steven Levithan Parseuri
  Stuart Langridge Sorttable
  Cody Lindley ThickBox
  jQuery Foundation jQuery UI
  jQuery qTip SLF4J-JDK12
  Keith Wood jQuery SVG

License Type:    MIT / X11
MIT / X11 License

Software Distributed under Other Licenses

  Project / Owner Component
  Brandon Aaron jquery.mousewheel  License
  M. Alsup JQuery BlockUI  License
  HSQL Development Group HSQLDB  License
  IBM ICU4J  License
  France Telecom ASM  License
  Indiana University XPP3  License JSON  License jCharts  License
  NIST JAMA  License
  OpenLDAP OpenLDAP  License
  OpenSymphony XWork  License
  OpenSymphony Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL)  License
  OpenSymphony Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler  License
  Scott Hudson, Frank Flannery and C. Scott Ananian JCUP 0.10k  License
  MetaStuff, Ltd. DOM4J  License
  Visigoth Software Society FreeMarker  License
  World Wide Web Consortium JTidy  License displaytag  License

Software in the Public Domain

  Project / Owner Component
  AOP Alliance aopalliance.jar
  Emory University backport-util-concurrent Antlr

Commercially Licensed Software

  Vendor Component
  CKSource CKEditor and CKFinder
  Tanuki Software Tanuki Java Service Wrapper
  TMate SVNKit
  Wintertree SSCE Software Development Kit