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Release 1.1.1

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B Oracle Argus Analytics Presentation Catalog

The Oracle Argus Analytics Presentation Catalog displays columns that you can use to create requests.

This appendix contains the following topics:

See Also:

Chapter 3, "Working with Reports"

Dimensions in Oracle Argus Analytics Presentation Catalog

Table B-1 describes the Dimensions displayed in the Oracle Argus Analytics Presentation Catalog. For each column, it shows the name of the Column, its description, and the Dimension containing the column. The table is sorted by Dimension, and by Column within Dimension. This corresponds to how the Dimension columns are organized in the Presentation Catalog.

Please note that some columns have been de-normalized, so that they appear in more than one Dimension. This de-normalization speeds query execution by eliminating the need for a join to that column in another Dimension. It also supports the ability to constrain columns in a Prompt, so that when you select a value in one column, the other columns are constrained to those related to your selection. When you select a de-normalized column from a Dimension, your results will be limited to the grain of the Dimension.

Table B-1 Presentation Catalog - Dimensions

Dimension Column Description

Case Processing Site

Case Processing Site

Case Processing Site that the user belongs to.


Enterprise ID

CRO Enterprise (Client) Short Name


Last Refresh Date

Program_run_dt from w_control_s/pva_control_s Table


ETL Incremental Status

Value 'Running' if source_extraction_end_dt < source_extraction_start_dt from w_control_s/pva_control_s else has a value 'Completed' Table


Enterprise Name

Enterprise Name



Per_name_year From W_day_d Table



Per_name_qtr From W_day_d Table



Per_name_month From W_day_d Table



Per_name_week From W_day_d Table



Calendar_date From W_day_d Table


Product Group

Therapeutic Alignment Of User Groups By Product Indication (For Example, Oncology Group, Gynecology Group Etc)


Product Family

Product Family - It is used to group Like products that share Datasheets and Primary Ingredients.


PSUR Group

PSUR Group Name


Product Name

Product Name


Product Formulation

Formulation of the Product


Product Concentration

Concentration/Strength of the Product


Study ID

Study ID


Project ID

Project ID for Study


Generic Name

Generic Name of the Product


Product Name

Product Name


Product Formulation

Formulation of the Product


Product Concentration

Concentration/Strength of the Product


License ID

Product License Number


License Type

Product License Type (like Marketed Drug, Investigational Vaccine etc.)


License Name

Concatenated value of license trade name, license authorization country and license number displayed as - trade name || ' (' || country|| ') ' || license number


License MAH

Manufacturer of the licensed product


License Country

Country of license award


CTPR Group

CTPR Group Name


Trade Name

Trade Name

Report Destination

Report Destination Country

Country of destination to which the report is submitted

Report Destination

Report Destination

Destination to which the report is submitted

Facts and Sources in Oracle Argus Analytics Presentation Catalog

This section lists the Facts and Sources displayed in the Oracle Argus Analytics Presentation Catalog.

For each Fact, it shows the name of the Column, its Description, and the Source Table/Column that contains the Column.

This corresponds to how the Fact columns are organized in the Presentation Catalog, within the Fact folder.

Table B-2 Presentation Catalog - Facts

Fact Column Description Source Table/Column Comments/Details


Case ID

Case Identification (same as Manufacturer Code Number [MCN])




Case Internal ID

Internal Case ID Generated




Enterprise ID

CRO Enterprise (Client) Short Name




Initial / Follow-Up

Initial or Follow-up entry of the Case


If Version = 1 then Initial Else Follow-up


Case Deletion Indicator

A Flag to Identify that case has been "Deleted" or not

nvl(case_master.state_id, 0) = 1 or case_master.deleted is not null



Case Creator ID

ID of Case Author (who created the case)




Case Creator Name

Case Author (who created the case)

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = case_master.user_id



Case Processing Site

Site (for ex., drug safety case processing location)




Country Of Incidence

Country where the adverse event occurred




Case Type

Case Report Type (for ex., Spontaneous/Clinical/Literature etc.)




Compliance Classification

7-day Case, 15-day Case, Non-Expedited Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (7-day Case, 15-day Case, Non-Expedited Case)


S/R/U Classification

SAE Case, SAR Case, SUSAR Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (SAE Case, SAR Case, SUSAR Case)


F/LT Classification

Fatal / Life-Threatening Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Fatal / Life-Threatening Case)


Pregnancy Classification

Pregnancy Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Pregnancy Case)


Source Classification

Authority Case, Consumer Case, Literature Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Authority Case, Consumer Case, Literature Case)


Confirmation Classification

Medically Confirmed Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Medically Confirmed Case)


Case Classification Group 7

Case Classification Group 7


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Case Classification 7)


Case Classification Group 8

Case Classification Group 8


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Case Classification 8)


Case Classification Group 9

Case Classification Group 9


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Case Classification 9)


Case Classification Group 10

Case Classification Group 10


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Case Classification 10)


Product Type

Drug, Device and Vaccine




Study ID

Study ID




Center ID

Center ID for the Study in the case

lm_centers.center_no where case_study.center_id = lm_centers.center_id



Case Seriousness

Case Serious or Non-Serious (Y/N)




Case Listedness





Case Causality

Adverse event caused by the product (related/not related)




Case Outcome

Case Level Outcome using the ICH guidelines eg "Recovered"





Gender of the Patient





Patient pregnant (Yes/No)




Age Group

Patient Age Group





Ethnicity of the Patient





Patient breastfeeding




Primary Reporter Type

Type of the first/primary reporter (for ex., Physician, Consumer etc)

case_reporters.reporter_type where primary_contact = 1



Primary Suspect Product

Primary Suspect Product for a case

case_product.product_name where case_product.first_sus_prod = 1




Health Care Professional (ex., physician, nurse, pharmacist) flag. Primary Reporter of the case is HCP or not

case_reporters.hcp_flag where primary_contact = 1




Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction Flag(0 / 1)




Case Owner ID

ID of user who is responsible for the case throughout its lifetime




Case Owner Name

User who is responsible for the case throughout its lifetime

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = case_master.worklist_owner_id



Initial Receipt Date

Date on which initial case information was received




Safety Receipt Date

Case receipt date at Central Safety




Clock Start Date

Case Aware Date

Max(case_master.init_rept_date/(case_followup.receipt_date where significant = 1))



Case Deletion Timestamp

Date of the case deletion

nvl(case_master.deleted, case_master.last_update_time) where nvl(case_master.state_id, 0) = 1 or case_master.deleted is not null



Lock Timestamp

Case is ready for submission. Lock date of the case.




Lock Target Days

Number of target days for processing a case which is Number of days from Clock Start Date to Lock Timestamp


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - If Case Serious then 10 Days else 30 Days


Lock Due Date

Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


Clock Start Date + Lock Target Days


Lock Due Soon Date

Internal Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - 2 Days Lock Due Date - (2)


CRO Project Code

If clinical case then Study Configuration -> Other ID else Product Configuration -> Company Drug Code for the Primary Suspect Product




Case Deletion User ID

ID of user who deleted the case




Case Deletion User Name

User who deleted the case

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = case_master.last_update_user_id



Case Deletion Reason

Reason for deleting the case

case_justifications.j_text where field_id = 2110018



Primary Event PT

Primary event (Preferred Term) for the case

case_event.pref_term for min sort_id for min seq_num



Primary Indication

Primary indication (Preferred Term) for the primary suspect product

case_prod_indications.ind_pref_term for min seq_num



Duration Case Modified Per Case

Sum of Edit Duration Per Case


sum(Duration Case Modified Per User/State) Group by Case ID


Duration Case Unmodified Per Case

Sum of Edit Duration Per Case


sum(Duration Case Unmodified Per User/State) Group by Case ID


Duration Case Read Per Case

Sum of Read Duration Per Case


sum(Duration Case Read Per User/State) Group by Case ID


Avg Duration Case Modified Per Case

Average time spent in actual work done on one case across all users and all workflow states


sum(Duration Case Modified Per Case) / (total number of records in Case History)


Avg Duration Case Unmodified Per Case

Average time spent in work done without any modification on one case across all users and all workflow states


sum(Duration Case Unmodified Per Case) / (total number of records in Case History)


Avg Duration Case Read Per Case

Average time spent in work done in read-only mode on one case across all users and all workflow states


sum(Duration Case Read Per Case) / (total number of distinct records in Case History)


Avg # Suspect Products Per Case

Average number of suspect products in a case


sum(# Products Per Case) / # Cases Locked Once


Avg # Events Per Case

Average number of events in a case


sum(# Events Per Case) / # Cases Locked Once


Avg # F/U Versions Per Case

Average number of follow-up versions processed per case (number of significant f/u locks. It is not the case f/u [case_followup])


sum(# F/U Versions Per Case) / # Cases Locked Once


Avg # Sig F/U Versions Per Case

Average Significant Follow-up versions processed per case (number of significant f/u locks. It is not the case f/u [case_followup])


sum(# Sig F/U Versions Per Case) / # Cases Locked Once


Avg # F/U Received Per Case

Average number of follow-up received per case (It is the case f/u [case_followup])


sum(# F/U Received Per Case) / # Cases Locked Once


Avg # Sig F/U Received Per Case

Average Significant Follow-up received per case (It is the case f/u [case_followup])


sum(# Sig F/U Received Per Case) / # Cases Locked Once


Min Duration Case Modified Per Case

Minimum time spent in actual work done on one case across all users and all workflow states


min(Duration Case Modified Per Case)


Min Duration Case Unmodified Per Case

Minimum time spent in work done without any modification on one case across all users and all workflow states


min(Duration Case Unmodified Per Case)


Min Duration Case Read Per Case

Minimum time spent in work done in read-only mode on one case across all users and all workflow states


min(Duration Case Read Per Case)


Min # Suspect Products Per Case

Minimum number of suspect products in a case


min(# Products Per Case)


Min # Events Per Case

Minimum number of events in a case


min(# Events Per Case)


Min # F/U Versions Per Case

Minimum number of follow-up versions processed per case (number of significant f/u locks. It is not the case f/u [case_followup])


min(# F/U Versions Per Case)


Min # Sig F/U Versions Per Case

Minimum Significant Follow-up versions processed per case (number of significant f/u locks. It is not the case f/u [case_followup])


min(# Sig F/U Versions Per Case)


Min # F/U Received Per Case

Minimum number of follow-up received per case (It is the case f/u [case_followup])


min(# F/U Received Per Case)


Min # Sig F/U Received Per Case

Minimum Significant Follow-up received per case (It is the case f/u [case_followup])


min(# Sig F/U Received Per Case)


Max Duration Case Modified Per Case

Maximum time spent in actual work done on one case across all users and all workflow states


max(Duration Case Modified Per Case)


Max Duration Case Unmodified Per Case

Maximum time spent in work done without any modification on one case across all users and all workflow states


max(Duration Case Unmodified Per Case)


Max Duration Case Read Per Case

Maximum time spent in work done in read-only mode on one case across all users and all workflow states


max(Duration Case Read Per Case)


Max # Suspect Products Per Case

Maximum number of suspect products in a case


max(# Products Per Case)


Max # Events Per Case

Maximum number of events in a case


max(# Events Per Case)


Max # F/U Versions Per Case

Maximum number of follow-up versions processed per case (number of significant f/u locks. It is not the case f/u [case_followup])


max(# F/U Versions Per Case)


Max # Sig F/U Versions Per Case

Maximum Significant Follow-up versions processed per case (number of significant f/u locks. It is not the case f/u [case_followup])


max(# Sig F/U Versions Per Case)


Max # F/U Received Per Case

Maximum number of follow-up received per case (It is the case f/u [case_followup])


max(# F/U Received Per Case)


Max # Sig F/U Received Per Case

Maximum Significant Follow-up received per case (It is the case f/u [case_followup])


max(# Sig F/U Received Per Case)


# Cases Locked Once

Count of Cases that have been locked atleast once

count(distinct case_routing.case_id) where case_routing.comment_text like 'case locked%'



# Suspect Products Per Case

Total number of suspect products in a case

count(1) where drug_type = 1 group by case_product.case_id



# Events Per Case

Total number of events in a case

count(1) group by case_event.case_id



# F/U Versions Per Case

Total number of follow-up versions processed per case (number of significant f/u locks. It is not the case f/u [case_followup])


count(number of records from Case Version History where Version Type in (Significant, Non-Significant)) group by Case ID


# Sig F/U Versions Per Case

Total Significant Follow-up versions processed per case (number of significant f/u locks. It is not the case f/u [case_followup])


count(number of records from Case Version History where Version Type = Significant) group by Case ID


# F/U Received Per Case

Total number of follow-up received per case (It is the case f/u [case_followup])


(total follow-up records in case_followup table for locked cases) group by Case ID


# Sig F/U Received Per Case

Total Significant Follow-up received per case (It is the case f/u [case_followup])


(total significant follow-up records in case_followup table for locked cases)

Case Version

Version ID

Case Version (1,2,3...)


A new case version is created whenever a case is unlocked or reopened. Version number starting with 1 and incremented by 1 for every new version.

Case Version

Version Type

Significant, Non-Significant, No Followup - Significant/Non-Significant (Is this follow-up information considered significant, based on company specific policies? If this follow-up information is marked as significant, the regulatory report algorithm will re-run and will calculate the due date based on the most recent significant follow-up date. 1 = Yes, 0 = No)


No Followup: If there is no followup between two Version Lock DateTime Significant: If there is atleast 1 significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime Non-Significant: If there is followup but no significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime

Case Version

Version Receipt Date

Date on which initial/follow-up information was received

case_followup.receipt_date (Case_Master.init_rept_date for Initial case version)


Case Version

Safety Receipt Date

Case Version receipt date at Central Safety

case_followup.safety_date (Case_Master.safety_date for Initial case version)


Case Version

Clock Start Date

Case Version Aware Date

Max(case_master.init_rept_date/(case_followup.receipt_date where significant = 1))


Case Version

Version Creation Timestamp

The timestamp when the case version was created (Case Book-in timestamp for initial case version or routing timestamp when the case was unlocked/unarchived for other case versions)


For initial case version, case_master.create_time and for other case versions it is case_routing.route_date where lower(case_routing.comment_text) like 'case unlocked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2

Case Version

Lock Timestamp

Case is ready for submission. First lock date of the case version.

case_routing.route_date where case_routing.comment_text like 'case locked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2


Case Version

Lock Target Days

Number of target days for processing a case version which is Number of days from Clock Start Date to Lock Timestamp


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - If Case Serious then 10 Days else 30 Days

Case Version

Lock Due Date

Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


Clock Start Date + Lock Target Days

Case Version

Lock Due Soon Date

Internal Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - 2 Days Lock Due Date - (2)

Case Version

Duration Case Modified Per Version

Sum of Edit Duration Per Case Version


sum(Duration Case Modified Per User/State) Group by Case ID, Version ID

Case Version

Duration Case Unmodified Per Version

Sum of Edit Duration Per Case Version


sum(Duration Case Unmodified Per User/State) Group by Case ID, Version ID

Case Version

Duration Case Read Per Version

Sum of Read Duration Per Case Version


sum(Duration Case Read Per User/State) Group by Case ID, Version ID

Case Version

Duration Version-Receipt-To-Safety- Receipt

(How Long Does It Take Before A Case Version Reaches The Safety Group?) The Difference Between The Case Version Receipt Date And The Case Version Safety Receipt Date.


days between (Safety Receipt Date, Version Receipt Date)

Case Version

Duration Clock-Start-To-Lock

Interval Between Case Version Clock Start Date And Case Version Lock Datetime


days between (Clock Start Date, Lock Timestamp)

Case Version

Duration Version-Creation-To-Lock

Interval Between Case Version Create DateTime And Case Version Lock Datetime


days between (Version Creation Timestamp, Lock Timestamp)

Case Version

Avg Duration Clock-Start-To-Lock

Average Interval between Case Version Clock Start Date and Case Version Lock DateTime


sum(Duration Clock-Start-To-Lock)/# Versions Locked Once

Case Version

Avg Duration Version-Creation-To-Lock

Average Interval Between Case Version Create DateTime And Case Version Lock DateTime


sum(Duration Version-Creation-To-Lock)/# Versions Locked Once

Case Version

Avg Duration Case Modified Per Version

Average time spent in actual work done on one case version across all users and all workflow states


sum(Duration Case Modified Per Version) / (total number of records in Case Version History)

Case Version

Avg Duration Case Unmodified Per Version

Average time spent in work done without any modification on one case version across all users and all workflow states


sum(Duration Case Unmodified Per Version) / (total number of records in Case Version History)

Case Version

Avg Duration Case Read Per Version

Average time spent in work done in read-only mode on one case version across all users and all workflow states


sum(Duration Case Read Per Version) / (total number of distinct records in Case Version History)

Case Version

Min Duration Clock-Start-To-Lock

Minimum Interval Between Case Version Clock Start Date And Case Version Lock DateTime


min(Duration Clock-Start-To-Lock)

Case Version

Min Duration Version-Creation-To-Lock

Minimum Interval Between Case Version Create DateTime And Case Version Lock DateTime


min(Duration Version-Creation-To-Lock)

Case Version

Min Duration Case Modified Per Version

Minimum time spent in actual work done on one case version across all users and all workflow states


min(Duration Case Modified Per Version)

Case Version

Min Duration Case Unmodified Per Version

Minimum time spent in work done without any modification on one case version across all users and all workflow states


min(Duration Case Unmodified Per Version)

Case Version

Min Duration Case Read Per Version

Minimum time spent in work done in read-only mode on one case version across all users and all workflow states


min(Duration Case Read Per Version)

Case Version

Max Duration Clock-Start-To-Lock

Maximum Interval Between Case Version Clock Start Date And Case Version Lock DateTime


max(Duration Clock-Start-To-Lock)

Case Version

Max Duration Version-Creation-To-Lock

Maximum Interval Between Case Version Create DateTime And Case Version Lock DateTime


max(Duration Version-Creation-To-Lock)

Case Version

Max Duration Case Modified Per Version

Maximum time spent in actual work done on one case version across all users and all workflow states


max(Duration Case Modified Per Version)

Case Version

Max Duration Case Unmodified Per Version

Maximum time spent in work done without any modification on one case version across all users and all workflow states


max(Duration Case Unmodified Per Version)

Case Version

Max Duration Case Read Per Version

Maximum time spent in work done in read-only mode on one case version across all users and all workflow states


max(Duration Case Read Per Version)

Case Version

#Versions Locked Once

Number Of Case Versions Received (Including All Versions)


Count (Number of records from Case Version History)

Case Version

#Sig Versions Locked Once

Number Of Case Versions Received (Including Significant Versions Only)


Count (Number of records from Case Version History) where Version Type = Significant

Case Version

#Versions Locked On-Time

Number Of Case Versions Processed Within Target Days


Lock Timestamp - Clock Start Date <= Lock Target Days

Case Version

%Versions Locked On-Time

Percentage Of Case Versions Processed On Time


(# Versions Locked On-Time/# Versions Locked Once) * 100

Case Version

#Versions Locked Late

Number Of Case Versions Processed Over Target Days


Lock Timestamp - Clock Start Date > Lock Target Days

Case Version

%Versions Locked Late

Percentage Of Case Versions Not Processed Within Target Days


(# Versions Locked Late/# Versions Locked Once) * 100

Case Routing

Version ID

Case Version (1,2,3...)


A new case version is created whenever a case is unlocked or reopened. Version number starting with 1 and incremented by 1 for every new version.

Case Routing

Version Type

Significant, Non-Significant, No Followup - Significant/Non-Significant (Is this follow-up information considered significant, based on company specific policies? If this follow-up information is marked as significant, the regulatory report algorithm will re-run and will calculate the due date based on the most recent significant follow-up date. 1 = Yes, 0 = No)


No Followup: If there is no followup between two Version Lock DateTime Significant: If there is atleast 1 significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime Non-Significant: If there is followup but no significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime

Case Routing

Version Receipt Date

Date on which initial/follow-up information was received

case_followup.receipt_date (Case_Master.init_rept_date for Initial case version)


Case Routing

Safety Receipt Date

Case Version receipt date at Central Safety

case_followup.safety_date (Case_Master.safety_date for Initial case version)


Case Routing

Clock Start Date

Case Version Aware Date

Max(case_master.init_rept_date/(case_followup.receipt_date where significant = 1))


Case Routing

Version Creation Timestamp

The timestamp when the case version was created (Case Book-in timestamp for initial case version or routing timestamp when the case was unlocked/unarchived for other case versions)

case_master.create_time case_routing.route_date

For initial case version, case_master.create_time and for other case versions it is case_routing.route_date where lower(case_routing.comment_text) like 'case unlocked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2

Case Routing

Lock Timestamp

Case is ready for submission. First lock date of the case version.

case_routing.route_date where case_routing.comment_text like 'case locked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2


Case Routing

Lock Target Days

Number of target days for processing a case version which is Number of days from Clock Start Date to Lock Timestamp


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - If Case Serious then 10 Days else 30 Days

Case Routing

Lock Due Date

Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


Clock Start Date + Lock Target Days

Case Routing

Lock Due Soon Date

Internal Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - 2 Days Lock Due Date - (2)

Case Routing

Routing User Group

User Group which worked on the workflow step

cfg_workflow_rules.group_id where cfg_workflow_rules.seq_num = case_routing.workflow_seq_num


Case Routing

Routing Justification

Case Routing Justification



Case Routing

Routing ID

Workflow Sequence Number



Case Routing

State Routed From

Workflow state from which case was promoted to next workflow state

cfg_workflow_states.state_name where case_routing.fr_state_id = cfg_workflow_states.state_id


Case Routing

State Routed To

Workflow state to which case was promoted from previous workflow state

cfg_workflow_states.state_name where case_routing.to_state_id = cfg_workflow_states.state_id


Case Routing

Routing Timestamp From State

The timestamp on which case was routed From Workflow State



Case Routing

Routing Timestamp To State

The timestamp on which case was routed To Workflow State



Case Routing

Routing User ID

ID of the user who last worked on the Workflow step



Case Routing

Routing User Name

The User who last worked on the Workflow step

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = case_routing.user_id


Case Routing

Follow-Up ID

Follow-up number of the case to which this routing record belongs


Followup # as appear on Argus Case Form against each followup starting with 1 and incremented by 1 for every new folllowup. (case_routing.followup_num joins with case_followup.seq_num)

Case Routing


Routing comments



Case Routing

Pseudo State


Case Routing

Duration Case Idle

Duration from case version routing timestamp to minimum open timestamp greater than the current routing timestamp and less than next routing timestamp. If case version is not open after routing then duration shall be the complete duration the case was in that particular workflow state (from workflow state date - to workflow state date). Duration from case workflow state route date to minimum/first open timestamp for same workflow state


min(Case Open Timestamp) - Routing Timestamp To State

Case Routing

Avg Duration Case Idle Per Case

Average idle duration per case


sum(Idle Duration Per Version Routing) / (total number of distinct Case ID)

Case Routing

Avg Duration Case Idle Per Version

Average idle duration per case version


sum(Idle Duration Per Version Routing) / (total number of distinct Case ID, Version ID)

Case Routing

Avg Duration Case Idle Per Routing

Average idle duration per case version routing timestamp


total(Idle Duration Per Version Routing) for all case versions / (total number of routing records)

Case Routing

Min Duration Case Idle

Minimum idle duration per case version routing timestamp


min(Idle Duration Per Version Routing)

Case Routing

Max Duration Case Idle

Maximum idle duration per case version routing timestamp


max(Idle Duration Per Version Routing)

Case Workflow State

Version ID

Case Version (1,2,3...)


A new case version is created whenever a case is unlocked or reopened. Version number starting with 1 and incremented by 1 for every new version.

Case Workflow State

Version Type

Significant, Non-Significant, No Followup - Significant/Non-Significant (Is this follow-up information considered significant, based on company specific policies? If this follow-up information is marked as significant, the regulatory report algorithm will re-run and will calculate the due date based on the most recent significant follow-up date. 1 = Yes, 0 = No)


No Followup: If there is no followup between two Version Lock DateTime Significant: If there is atleast 1 significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime Non-Significant: If there is followup but no significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime

Case Workflow State

Version Receipt Date

Date on which initial/follow-up information was received

case_followup.receipt_date Case_Master.init_rept_date

case_followup.receipt_date (Case_Master.init_rept_date for Initial case version)

Case Workflow State

Safety Receipt Date

Case Version receipt date at Central Safety

case_followup.safety_date Case_Master.safety_date

case_followup.safety_date (Case_Master.safety_date for Initial case version)

Case Workflow State

Clock Start Date

Case Version Aware Date

Max(case_master.init_rept_date/(case_followup.receipt_date where significant = 1))


Case Workflow State

Version Creation Timestamp

The timestamp when the case version was created (Case Book-in timestamp for initial case version or routing timestamp when the case was unlocked/unarchived for other case versions)

case_master.create_time case_routing.route_date

For initial case version, case_master.create_time and for other case versions it is case_routing.route_date where lower(case_routing.comment_text) like 'case unlocked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2

Case Workflow State

Lock Timestamp

Case is ready for submission. First lock date of the case version.


case_routing.route_date where case_routing.comment_text like 'case locked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2

Case Workflow State

Lock Target Days

Number of target days for processing a case version which is Number of days from Clock Start Date to Lock Timestamp


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - If Case Serious then 10 Days else 30 Days

Case Workflow State

Lock Due Date

Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


Clock Start Date + Lock Target Days

Case Workflow State

Lock Due Soon Date

Internal Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - 2 Days Lock Due Date - (2)

Case Workflow State

State Name

Workflow State (From Workflow State)


Case Workflow State

State Finalization User Group

The Last User Group To Which The Case Version Was Routed To For The Workflow State


Case Workflow State

State Finalization User ID

ID of the User Who Finished The Last Execution Of The Workflow State For The Case Version


Case Workflow State

State Finalization User Name

The User Who Finished The Last Execution Of The Workflow State For The Case Version


Case Workflow State

State Start Timestamp

The First Timestamp When The Workflow State Was Started


Case Workflow State

State End Timestamp

The Last Timestamp When The Workflow State Was Completed


Case Workflow State

Duration Case Modified Per State

Total time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for actual work done on one case version


sum(Duration Case Modified Per User/State) group by State Name, Case ID, Case Version

Case Workflow State

Duration Case Unmodified Per State

Total time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for work done without any modification on one case version


sum(Duration Case Unmodified Per User/State) group by State Name, Case ID, Case Version

Case Workflow State

Duration Case Read Per State

Sum of Read Duration Per Workflow State


sum(Duration Case Read Per User/State) Group by Workflow State At Case Open, Case ID, Version ID

Case Workflow State

Duration State-Start-To-End

Number Of Days Taken From The First Time The Workflow State Was Started To The Last Time The Workflow State Was Completed (Within A Case Version)


If case goes through workflow states A -> B -> A -> B -> A -> B -> C, then result for B is duration from beginning of first B through end of last B, including time spent in second and third A

Case Workflow State

Duration Within State

Total Time The Case Spent In The Workflow State (Within A Case Version)


Sum ("Case Routing History".Routing Timestamp To State - "Case Routing History".Routing Timestamp From State) Group by ("Case Routing History"."Case ID", "Version", "State Routed From") If case goes through workflow states A -> B -> A -> B -> A -> B -> C, then result for B is duration of first B plus duration of second B plus duration of third B (does NOT include any time spent in A)

Case Workflow State

Duration Version-Creation-To-State- End

Time Taken To Accomplish A Workflow State After A Case Version Was Created (Including Any Repetition)


State End Timestamp - Version Creation Timestamp

Case Workflow State

Average Duration State-Start-To-End

Average Number Of Days Taken From The First Time The Workflow State Was Started To The Last Time The Workflow State Was Completed (Within A Case Version)


total(Duration State-Start-To-End) for all case versions / # Versions Locked Once

Case Workflow State

Average Duration Within State

Average Time The Case Spent In The Workflow State (Within A Case Version)


total(Duration Within State) for all case versions / # Versions Locked Once

Case Workflow State

Average Duration Version-Creation-To-State- End

Average Time Taken To Accomplish A Workflow State After A Case Version Was Created (Including Any Repetition)


total(Duration Version-Creation-To-State-End) for all case versions / # Versions Locked Once

Case Workflow State

Avg Duration Case Modified Per State

Average time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for actual work done on one case version


(sum(Duration Case Modified Per State) group by State Name) / (total number of distinct Case ID, Version ID group by State Name)

Case Workflow State

Avg Duration Case Unmodified Per State

Average time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for work done without any modification on one case version


(sum(Duration Case Unmodified Per State) group by State Name) / (total number of distinct Case ID, Version ID group by State Name)

Case Workflow State

Avg Duration Case Read Per State

Average time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for work done in read-only mode on one case version


sum(Duration Case Read Per State) / (total number of records in Workflow State History)

Case Workflow State

Min Duration Case Modified Per State

Minimum time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for actual work done on one case version


min((Duration Case Modified Per State) group by State Name)

Case Workflow State

Min Duration Case Unmodified Per State

Minimum time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for work done without any modification on one case version


min((Duration Case Unmodified Per State) group by State Name)

Case Workflow State

Min Duration Case Read Per State

Minimum time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for work done in read-only mode on one case version


min(Duration Case Read Per State)

Case Workflow State

Max Duration Case Modified Per State

Maximum time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for actual work done on one case version


max((Duration Case Modified Per State) group by State Name)

Case Workflow State

Max Duration Case Unmodified Per State

Maximum time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for work done without any modification on one case version


max((Duration Case Unmodified Per State) group by State Name)

Case Workflow State

Max Duration Case Read Per State

Maximum time spent in each workflow state (across all users) for work done in read-only mode on one case version


max(Duration Case Read Per State)

Case Workflow State

#Time State Repeated

The Number Of Times A Workflow State Is Repeated (Within A Case Version)


Count(*) -1 Group by ("Case Routing History"."Case ID", "Version", "State Routed From") If case goes through workflow states A -> B -> A -> B -> A -> B -> C, then result for B is 2

Case Workflow State

#Users Who Worked On State

Number Of Distinct Users Who Worked On A Workflow State For A Case Version


count(Distinct "Case Routing History".Routing User) Group by ("Case Routing History"."Case ID", "Version", "State Routed From")

Case Workflow State

# Completed State

Total Number Of Workflow States Completed


count (State Name) If case goes through workflow states A -> B -> A -> B -> A -> B -> C, then result is 3

Case Workflow State

# Repeated State

Total Count Of All The Workflow States That Were Repeated


count (State Name) where "# Times State Repeated" > 0 If case goes through workflow states A -> B -> A -> B -> A -> B -> C, then result is 2

Case Workflow State

% Repeated State

Total Percentage Of All The Workflow States That Were Repeated


(# Repeated States / # Completed States ) * 100 If case goes through workflow states A -> B -> A -> B -> A -> B -> C, then result is 66.6%

Case Work

Version ID

Case Version (1,2,3...)


A new case version is created whenever a case is unlocked or reopened. Version number starting with 1 and incremented by 1 for every new version.

Case Work

Version Type

Significant, Non-Significant, No Followup - Significant/Non-Significant (Is this follow-up information considered significant, based on company specific policies? If this follow-up information is marked as significant, the regulatory report algorithm will re-run and will calculate the due date based on the most recent significant follow-up date. 1 = Yes, 0 = No)


No Followup: If there is no followup between two Version Lock DateTime Significant: If there is atleast 1 significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime Non-Significant: If there is followup but no significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime

Case Work

Version Receipt Date

Date on which initial/follow-up information was received

case_followup.receipt_date Case_Master.init_rept_date

case_followup.receipt_date (Case_Master.init_rept_date for Initial case version)

Case Work

Safety Receipt Date

Case Version receipt date at Central Safety

case_followup.safety_date Case_Master.safety_date

case_followup.safety_date (Case_Master.safety_date for Initial case version)

Case Work

Clock Start Date

Case Version Aware Date

Max(case_master.init_rept_date/(case_followup.receipt_date where significant = 1))


Case Work

Case Deletion Timestamp

Date of the case deletion

nvl(case_master.deleted, case_master.last_update_time) where nvl(case_master.state_id, 0) = 1 or case_master.deleted is not null


Case Work

Version Creation Timestamp

The timestamp when the case version was created (Case Book-in timestamp for initial case version or routing timestamp when the case was unlocked/unarchived for other case versions)

case_master.create_time case_routing.route_date

For initial case version, case_master.create_time and for other case versions it is case_routing.route_date where lower(case_routing.comment_text) like 'case unlocked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2

Case Work

Lock Timestamp

Case is ready for submission. First lock date of the case version.


case_routing.route_date where case_routing.comment_text like 'case locked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2

Case Work

Lock Target Days

Number of target days for processing a case version which is Number of days from Clock Start Date to Lock Timestamp


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - If Case Serious then 10 Days else 30 Days

Case Work

Lock Due Date

Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


Clock Start Date + Lock Target Days

Case Work

Lock Due Soon Date

Internal Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - 2 Days Lock Due Date - (2)

Case Work

Case Open Timestamp

Date with timestamp when a case version was opened



Case Work

Case Close Timestamp

Date with timestamp when a case version was closed



Case Work

Duration Case Open

Duration between case version open timestamp to case version close timestamp.


Case Close Timestamp - Case Open Timestamp

Case Work

User With Case Open ID

ID of user who opens a case version



Case Work

User With Case Open Name

User who opens a case version

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = USER_CASE_PROCESSING_TIME.USER_ID


Case Work

Case Open Type

Whether the case version was opened up in (read-only mode) or (editable mode and modified) or (editable mode and not modified). Values - Read, Modified, Unmodified



Case Work

Workflow State At Case Open

Workflow state of a case version when it is opened by a user



Case Work

Routing ID


Case Work User

Version ID

Case Version (1,2,3...)


A new case version is created whenever a case is unlocked or reopened. Version number starting with 1 and incremented by 1 for every new version.

Case Work User

Version Type

Significant, Non-Significant, No Followup - Significant/Non-Significant (Is this follow-up information considered significant, based on company specific policies? If this follow-up information is marked as significant, the regulatory report algorithm will re-run and will calculate the due date based on the most recent significant follow-up date. 1 = Yes, 0 = No)


No Followup: If there is no followup between two Version Lock DateTime Significant: If there is atleast 1 significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime Non-Significant: If there is followup but no significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime

Case Work User

Version Receipt Date

Date on which initial/follow-up information was received

case_followup.receipt_date Case_Master.init_rept_date

case_followup.receipt_date (Case_Master.init_rept_date for Initial case version)

Case Work User

Safety Receipt Date

Case Version receipt date at Central Safety

case_followup.safety_date Case_Master.safety_date

case_followup.safety_date (Case_Master.safety_date for Initial case version)

Case Work User

Clock Start Date

Case Version Aware Date

Max(case_master.init_rept_date/(case_followup.receipt_date where significant = 1))


Case Work User

Version Creation Timestamp

The timestamp when the case version was created (Case Book-in timestamp for initial case version or routing timestamp when the case was unlocked/unarchived for other case versions)

case_master.create_time case_routing.route_date

For initial case version, case_master.create_time and for other case versions it is case_routing.route_date where lower(case_routing.comment_text) like 'case unlocked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2

Case Work User

Lock Timestamp

Case is ready for submission. First lock date of the case version.


case_routing.route_date where case_routing.comment_text like 'case locked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2

Case Work User

Lock Target Days

Number of target days for processing a case version which is Number of days from Clock Start Date to Lock Timestamp


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - If Case Serious then 10 Days else 30 Days

Case Work User

Lock Due Date

Clock Start Date + Lock Target Days


Clock Start Date + Lock Target Days

Case Work User

Lock Due Soon Date

Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - 2 Days Lock Due Date - (2)

Case Work User

Workflow State At Case Open

Internal Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)



Case Work User

User With Case Open ID

ID of user who opens a case version



Case Work User

User With Case Open Name

User who opens a case version

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = USER_CASE_PROCESSING_TIME.USER_ID


Case Work User

Duration Case Modified Per User/State

Total edit work duration of open timestamp to close timestamp per user per workflow state per case version. If the workflow state is repeated within same case version then the time spent in every iteration of that state shall be aggregated.


sum(Duration Case Open) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open, Case ID, Version ID where Case Open Type = Modified

Case Work User

Duration Case Unmodified Per User/State

Total unmodified duration of open timestamp to close timestamp per user per workflow state per case version. If the workflow state is repeated within same case version then the time spent in every iteration of that state shall be aggregated.


sum(Duration Case Open) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open, Case ID, Version ID where Case Open Type = Unmodified

Case Work User

Duration Case Read Per User/State

Total read work duration of open timestamp to close timestamp per user per workflow state per case version. If the workflow state is repeated within same case version then the time spent in every iteration of that state shall be aggregated.


sum(Duration Case Open) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open, Case ID, Version ID where Case Open Type = Read

Case Work User

Avg Duration Case Modified Per User/State

Average time spent for actual work done on one case version by each user within each workflow state. Comparison metrics for work efficiency of users within one workflow state.


(sum(Duration Case Modified Per User/State) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open) / (total number of distinct Case ID, Version ID group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open) where Case Open Type = Modified

Case Work User

Avg Duration Case Unmodified Per User/State

Average time spent for work done without any modification on one case version by each user within each workflow state.


(sum(Duration Case Unmodified Per User/State) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open) / (total number of distinct Case ID, Version ID group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open) where Case Open Type = Unmodified

Case Work User

Avg Duration Case Read Per User/State

Average time spent for work done in read-only mode on one case version by each user within each workflow state.


(sum(Duration Case Read Per User/State) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open) / (total number of distinct Case ID, Version ID group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open) where Case Open Type = Read

Case Work User

Min Duration Case Modified Per User/State

Minimum time spent for actual work done on a case version by each user within each workflow state. Comparison metrics for work efficiency of users within one workflow state.


min(Duration Case Modified Per User/State) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open

Case Work User

Min Duration Case Unmodified Per User/State

Minimum time spent for work done without any modification on a case version by each user within each workflow state.


min(Duration Case Unmodified Per User/State) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open

Case Work User

Min Duration Case Read Per User/State

Minimum time spent for work done in read-only on a case version by each user within each workflow state.


min(Duration Case Read Per User/State) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open

Case Work User

Max Duration Case Modified Per User/State

Maximum time spent for actual work done on a case version by each user within each workflow state. Comparison metrics for work efficiency of users within one workflow state.


max(Duration Case Modified Per User/State) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open

Case Work User

Max Duration Case Unmodified Per User/State

Maximum time spent for work done without any modification on a case version by each user within each workflow state.


max(Duration Case Unmodified Per User/State) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open

Case Work User

Max Duration Case Read Per User/State

Maximum time spent for work done in read-only mode on a case version by each user within each workflow state.


max(Duration Case Read Per User/State) group by User At Case Open, Workflow State At Case Open

Expedited Submission

Version ID

Case Version (1,2,3...)


A new case version is created whenever a case is unlocked or reopened. Version number starting with 1 and incremented by 1 for every new version

Expedited Submission

Version Type

Significant, Non-Significant, No Followup - Significant/Non-Significant (Is this follow-up information considered significant, based on company specific policies? If this follow-up information is marked as significant, the regulatory report algorithm will re-run and will calculate the due date based on the most recent significant follow-up date. 1 = Yes, 0 = No)


No Followup: If there is no followup between two Version Lock DateTime Significant: If there is atleast 1 significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime Non-Significant: If there is followup but no significant followup between two Version Lock DateTime

Expedited Submission

Version Receipt Date

Date on which initial/follow-up information was received

case_followup.receipt_date Case_Master.init_rept_date

case_followup.receipt_date (Case_Master.init_rept_date for Initial case version)

Expedited Submission

Safety Receipt Date

Case Version receipt date at Central Safety

case_followup.safety_date Case_Master.safety_date

case_followup.safety_date (Case_Master.safety_date for Initial case version)

Expedited Submission

Version Creation Timestamp

The timestamp when the case version was created (Case Book-in timestamp for initial case version or routing timestamp when the case was unlocked/unarchived for other case versions)

case_master.create_time case_routing.route_date

For initial case version, case_master.create_time and for other case versions it is case_routing.route_date where lower(case_routing.comment_text) like 'case unlocked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2

Expedited Submission

Lock Timestamp

Case is ready for submission. First lock date of the case version.


case_routing.route_date where case_routing.comment_text like 'case locked%' or case_routing.to_state_id = 2

Expedited Submission

Lock Target Days

Number of target days for processing a case version which is Number of days from Clock Start Date to Lock Timestamp


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - If Case Serious then 10 Days else 30 Days

Expedited Submission

Lock Due Date

Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


Clock Start Date + Lock Target Days

Expedited Submission

Lock Due Soon Date

Internal Due Date For Locking A Case (Case Processing Completion)


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - 2 Days Lock Due Date - (2)

Expedited Submission

Report ID

Unique Identifier for the report



Expedited Submission

Regulatory Report Type

Report Form ID



Expedited Submission

Report Destination

CRO Client/Sponsor/License Partner/Regulatory Authority



Expedited Submission

Foreign / Domestic

Domestic if the Agency Country = Country of Incidence for the Case else Foreign



Expedited Submission

Report Assigned User Group

User Group responsible for the report



Expedited Submission

Report Timeframe

Timeframe when the report is due. This field specifies the report's scheduled due-date based on the number of days, after the initial receipt or significant follow-up date.



Expedited Submission

Report Submission Country

Country of destination to which report is submitted



Expedited Submission

Report Nullification Indicator

A flag to identify nullified reports


If cmn_reg_reports.nullification = 1 then 'Yes' else 'No'

Expedited Submission

Report Nullification Reason

Reason for report nullification



Expedited Submission

Report Submission User ID

ID of user submitting the case to the agency



Expedited Submission

Report Submission User Name

User submitting the case to the agency

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = cmn_reg_reports.user_id


Expedited Submission

Report Due Date

Date the report is due



Expedited Submission

Report Submission / MDN Timestamp

For non-E2B reports - Date on which submission was sent to the destination For E2B reports - Date when report was successfully received by the destination. Only those reports which are accepted by the destination.


If Report Completion Type = Submitted then: For non-E2B reports - Report Submission Timestamp For E2B reports - MDN Timestamp Else Null

Expedited Submission

Report Submission Timestamp

Date on which submission was sent to the agency



Expedited Submission

Report Schedule Timestamp

Date on which report got scheduled



Expedited Submission

Report Generation Timestamp

Report Generation Date



Expedited Submission

Report Approval Timestamp

Report Approved Date



Expedited Submission

Report Submission Comments

Submission Notes



Expedited Submission

Report Initial / Follow-Up ID

Report Followup Number (1,2,3…. 0 - for Initial) 'Initial' if followup number = 0 else 'F/U #' || followup number


DECODE (cmn_reg_reports.followup_num, 0, 'Initial', 'F/U #' || cmn_reg_reports.followup_num )

Expedited Submission

Report Completion Type

1 - Submitted, 2 - Deleted, 3 - No Submission Required, 4 - Failed / Pending ACK: 1 - Submitted: If non-E2B report is submitted (submission date is present) or successful ACK is present for E2B reports then 'Submitted' 2 - Deleted: If report is deleted (deleted date is present) then 'Deleted'. It includes the reports which are marked as Submission Not Required but deleted. 3 - No Submission Required: If report is marked as Submission Not Required and report is not deleted then 'No Submission Required' 4 - Failed / Pending ACK: For E2B reports, if ACK failed or ACK is not received then 'Failed / Pending ACK'


Submitted: cmn_reg_reports.date_submitted is not null and ((cmn_reg_reports.report_form_id <> 27) or (SAFETYREPORT.REPORTACKNOWLEDGMENT.REPORTACKNOWLEDGMENTCODE in (''1'',''01'') and (cmn_reg_reports.report_form_id = 27)) Deleted: cmn_reg_reports.deleted is not null No Submission Required: cmn_reg_reports.submit_required = 0 and cmn_reg_reports.deleted is null Failed / Pending ACK: cmn_reg_reports.date_submitted is not null and SAFETYREPORT.REPORTACKNOWLEDGMENT.REPORTACKNOWLEDGMENTCODE not in (''1'',''01'') and cmn_reg_reports.report_form_id = 27

Expedited Submission

Report Downgrade Indicator

A flag to identify downgrade reports


If cmn_reg_reports.submit_notes like '*Downgrade*%' then 'Yes' else 'No'

Expedited Submission

Report Deletion Timestamp

Date when report is deleted



Expedited Submission

Report No Submission Required Timestamp

Date that non-submission of report was determined



Expedited Submission

Report No Submission Required Reason

Reason if submission is not required



Expedited Submission

Report Submission User Site

Site of the person submitting the case to the destination

lm_sites.site_desc where lm_sites.site_id = cfg_users.site_id where cmn_reg_reports.owner_id = cfg_users.user_id


Expedited Submission

ACK Timestamp

Report acknowledgement timestamp - timestamp when outgoing E2B report is accepted / rejected by recipient's database



Expedited Submission

MDN Timestamp

Message delivery notification timestamp - timestamp when outgoing E2B report is received by recipient's gateway from sender's gateway

EDI_INFO.EDI_COMPLETE_DATE where MESSAGES.EDI_TRACKING_ID = EDI_INFO.EDI_TRACKING_ID and safetyreport.msg_id = messages.msg_id and cmn_reg_reports.esm_report_id = safetyreport.report_id


Expedited Submission

EDI In Timestamp

Timestamp when outgoing E2B report is received by sender's gateway from Argus Safety

MESSAGES .DATE_TRANSMITTED where safetyreport.msg_id = messages.msg_id and cmn_reg_reports.esm_report_id = safetyreport.report_id


Expedited Submission

EDI Out Timestamp

Timestamp when outgoing E2B report is transmitted by sender's gateway to recipient's gateway

EDI_INFO.EDI_TRANSMIT_DATE where MESSAGES.EDI_TRACKING_ID = EDI_INFO.EDI_TRACKING_ID and safetyreport.msg_id = messages.msg_id and cmn_reg_reports.esm_report_id = safetyreport.report_id


Expedited Submission

ACK Status

Values - Success, Pending, Warning, Failure, Not Applicable

If (esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd in (4,10) and cfg_sender.transmission_method = 2) then 'Failure' If (esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd = 5 and messages.acknowledgmentheader.transmissionacknowledgmentcode in ('01', '02', '1', '2')) then If safetyreport.reportacknowledgment.reportacknowledgmentcode in ('02', '2') then 'Failure' If safetyreport.reportacknowledgment.reportacknowledgmentcode in ('01', '1') and safetyreport.reportacknowledgment.errormessagecomment is not null then 'Warnings' If safetyreport.reportacknowledgment.reportacknowledgmentcode in ('01', '1') then 'Success' IF esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd in (12,13,14,17,18,19) then 'Pending' Else 'Not Applicable' where ESM_AE_STATUS_LKUP.ESM_STATUS_TYPE_CD = MESSAGES.STATUS and safetyreport.msg_id = messages.msg_id and cmn_reg_reports.esm_report_id = safetyreport.report_id


Expedited Submission

MDN Status

Values - Success, Pending, Failure, Not Applicable

If cfg_sender.transmission_method = 2 then 'Not Applicable' If esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd = 11 then 'Pending' If esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd in (5,12,13,14,17,18,19) then 'Success' If esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd = 15 then 'Failure' Else 'Not Applicable' where ESM_AE_STATUS_LKUP.ESM_STATUS_TYPE_CD = MESSAGES.STATUS and safetyreport.msg_id = messages.msg_id and cmn_reg_reports.esm_report_id = safetyreport.report_id


Expedited Submission

EDI In Status

Values - Success, Pending, Failure, Not Applicable

If esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd = 1 then 'Pending' If esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd in (2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18,19) then 'Success' If esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd in (6, 7) then 'Failure' Else 'Not Applicable' where ESM_AE_STATUS_LKUP.ESM_STATUS_TYPE_CD = MESSAGES.STATUS and safetyreport.msg_id = messages.msg_id and cmn_reg_reports.esm_report_id = safetyreport.report_id


Expedited Submission

EDI Out Status

Values - Success, Pending, Failure, Not Applicable

If cfg_sender.transmission_method = 2 then 'Not Applicable' If esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd in (2, 3) then 'Pending' If esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd in (5,11,12,13,14,15,17,18,19) then 'Success' If esm_ae_status_lkup.esm_status_type_cd in (4, 10) then 'Failure' Else 'Not Applicable' where ESM_AE_STATUS_LKUP.ESM_STATUS_TYPE_CD = MESSAGES.STATUS and safetyreport.msg_id = messages.msg_id and cmn_reg_reports.esm_report_id = safetyreport.report_id


Expedited Submission

ACK Comments

Acknowledgement comments received from the receiver



Expedited Submission

Duration Clock-Start-Date-To-Submission

Time taken (in days) to submit a report from the Aware Date


days between (Report Submission / MDN Timestamp, Clock Start Date)

Expedited Submission

Duration Version-Lock-To-Submission

Time taken (in days) to submit a case from the completion date


days between (Report Submission / MDN Timestamp, Lock Timestamp)

Expedited Submission

Duration Report-Generation-To-Submission

Interval between Report Generation Date and Report Submission / MDN Timestamp


days between (Report Submission / MDN Timestamp, Report Generation Date)

Expedited Submission

Duration Report-Schedule-To-Submission

Interval between Report Schedule Date and Report Submission / MDN Timestamp


days between (Report Submission / MDN Timestamp, Report Schedule Date)

Expedited Submission

Avg Duration Report-Generation-To-Submission

Average duration between Report Generation Date and Report Submission Date


Sum(Duration Report-Generation-To-Submission)/# Reports Submitted

Expedited Submission

Avg Duration Report-Schedule-To-Submission

Average duration between Report Schedule Date and Report Submission Date


Sum(Duration Report-Schedule-To-Submission)/# Reports Submitted

Expedited Submission

Min Duration Report-Generation-To-Submission

Minimum duration between Report Generation Date and Report Submission Date


Minimum(Duration Report-Generation-To-Submission)

Expedited Submission

Min Duration Report-Schedule-To-Submission

Minimum duration between Report Schedule Date and Report Submission Date


Minimum(Duration Report-Schedule-To-Submission)

Expedited Submission

Max Duration Report-Generation-To-Submission

Maximum duration between Report Generation Date and Report Submission Date


Maximum(Duration Report-Generation-To-Submission)

Expedited Submission

Max Duration Report-Schedule-To-Submission

Maximum duration between Report Schedule Date and Report Submission Date


Maximum(Duration Report-Schedule-To-Submission)

Expedited Submission

# Reports Nullified

Total number of Nullified Submitted reports


count(Nullification Report Flag) where Nullification Report Flag = 'Yes'

Expedited Submission

# Days Report Late

Number of days taken from Due Date to Report Submission / MDN Timestamp


Report Completion Type = Submitted If Days between (Report Submission / MDN Timestamp, Report Due Date) > 0 then Days between (Report Submission / MDN Timestamp, Report Due Date) else 0

Expedited Submission

# Reports Submitted

Total number of submissions


count(Number of records from Expedited Submission History) where Report Submission / MDN Timestamp is not null

Expedited Submission

# Reports Submitted On-Time

Number of reports submitted by the regulatory due date


count(Number of records from Expedited Submission History) where Report Submission / MDN Timestamp <= Report Due Date and Report Submission / MDN Timestamp is not null

Expedited Submission

% Reports Submitted On-Time

Percentage of reports submitted on time by the regulatory due date


(# Reports Submitted On-Time/# Reports Submitted) * 100

Expedited Submission

# Reports Submitted Late

Number of reports submitted late by the regulatory due date


count(Number of records from Expedited Submission History) where Report Submission / MDN Timestamp > Report Due Date and Report Submission / MDN Timestamp is not null

Expedited Submission

% Reports Submitted Late

Percentage of reports submitted late by the regulatory due date


(# Reports Submitted Late/# Reports Submitted) * 100

Expedited Submission

# Reports Deleted

Total number of deleted reports


count(Report Deleted Indicator) where Report Deleted Indicator = 'Yes'

Expedited Submission

# Reports No Submission Required

Total number of reports marked as Submission Not Required


count(Number of records from Expedited Submission History) where Report Submission Type = 'No Submission Required'

Expedited Submission

# Reports Downgraded

Total number of downgraded reports


count(Report Downgrade Indicator) where Report Downgrade Indicator = 'Yes'

Report Routing

Report ID

Unique Identifier for the report



Report Routing

Report Routing ID

Workflow Sequence Number



Report Routing

Report Routing Justification

Report Routing Justification



Report Routing

Report State Routed From

Workflow state from which case was promoted to next workflow state

CFG_RPT_WF_STATES.state_name where rpt_routing.from_report_state_id = CFG_RPT_WF_STATES.REPORT_STATE_ID


Report Routing

Report State Routed To

Workflow state to which case was promoted from previous workflow state

CFG_RPT_WF_STATES.state_name where rpt_routing.from_report_state_id = CFG_RPT_WF_STATES.REPORT_STATE_ID


Report Routing

Report Routing Timestamp From State

The timestamp on which case was routed From Workflow State



Report Routing

Report Routing Timestamp To State

The timestamp on which case was routed To Workflow State



Report Routing

Report Routing User ID

ID of the User who last worked on the Workflow step



Report Routing

Report Routing User Name

The User who last worked on the Workflow step

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = rpt_routing.user_id


Report Routing

Report Comments

Routing comments



The following table displays how Argus Analytics populates each column from an Argus Safety database.

Table B-3 Presentation Catalog - Oracle Argus Safety Sources

Fact Column Description Source Table/Column Comments/Details


Case ID

Case Identification (same as Manufacturer Code Number [MCN])




Case Internal ID

Internal Case ID Generated




Enterprise ID

CRO Enterprise (Client) Short Name




Case Creator ID

ID of Case Author (who created the case)




Case Creator Name

Case Author (who created the case)

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = case_master.user_id



Case Processing Site

Site (for ex., drug safety case processing location)




Country Of Incidence

Country where the adverse event occurred




Case Type

Case Report Type (for ex., Spontaneous/Clinical/Literature etc.)




Compliance Classification

7-day Case, 15-day Case, Non-Expedited Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (7-day Case, 15-day Case, Non-Expedited Case)


S/R/U Classification

SAE Case, SAR Case, SUSAR Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (SAE Case, SAR Case, SUSAR Case)


F/LT Classification

Fatal / Life-Threatening Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Fatal / Life-Threatening Case)


Pregnancy Classification

Pregnancy Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Pregnancy Case)


Source Classification

Authority Case, Consumer Case, Literature Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Authority Case, Consumer Case, Literature Case)


Confirmation Classification

Medically Confirmed Case


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Medically Confirmed Case)


Case Classification Group 7

Case Classification Group 7


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Case Classification 7)


Case Classification Group 8

Case Classification Group 8


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Case Classification 8)


Case Classification Group 9

Case Classification Group 9


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Case Classification 9)


Case Classification Group 10

Case Classification Group 10


where lm_case_classification.description has values in (Case Classification 10)


Product Type

Drug, Device and Vaccine




Study ID

Study ID




Center ID

Center ID for the Study in the case

lm_centers.center_no where case_study.center_id = lm_centers.center_id



Case Seriousness

Case Serious or Non-Serious (Y/N)




Case Listedness





Case Causality

Adverse event caused by the product (related/not related)




Case Outcome

Case Level Outcome using the ICH guidelines eg "Recovered"





Gender of the Patient





Patient pregnant (Yes/No)




Age Group

Patient Age Group





Ethnicity of the Patient





Patient breastfeeding




Primary Reporter Type

Type of the first/primary reporter (for ex., Physician, Consumer etc)

case_reporters.reporter_type where primary_contact = 1



Primary Suspect Product

Primary Suspect Product for a case

case_product.product_name where case_product.first_sus_prod = 1




Health Care Professional (ex., physician, nurse, pharmacist) flag. Primary Reporter of the case is HCP or not

case_reporters.hcp_flag where primary_contact = 1




Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction Flag(0 / 1)




Initial Receipt Date

Date on which initial case information was received




Clock Start Date

Case Aware Date

Max(case_master.init_rept_date/(case_followup.receipt_date where significant = 1))



Lock Timestamp

Case is ready for submission. Lock date of the case version.




Locked Indicator

Flag to indicate whether the case version is locked or unlocked


If case_master.date_locked is not null then 'Yes' else 'No'


Case Owner ID

ID of user who is responsible for the case throughout its lifetime




Case Owner Name

User who is responsible for the case throughout its lifetime

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = case_master.worklist_owner_id



State Name

Workflow State (From Workflow State)



CRO Project Code

If clinical case then Study Configuration -> Other ID, else Product Configuration -> Company Drug Code for the Primary Suspect Product



Pending Cases

Follow-up ID

Latest Case Follow-up # (0,1,2,3...)


Followup # as appear on Argus Case Form for the latest followup. It shall be 0 if the latest case version is Initial

Pending Cases

Initial / Follow-Up

Initial or Follow-up entry of the Case


If Version = 1 then Initial Else Follow-up

Pending Cases

Follow-up Type

Significant, Non-Significant - Significant/Non-Significant (Is This Follow-up Information Considered Significant, Based On Company Specific Policies? If This Follow-up Information Is Marked As Significant, The Regulatory Report Algorithm Will Re-Run And Will Calculate The Due Date Based On The Most Recent Significant Follow-up Date)


If Case_followup.Significant = 1 then 'Significant' else 'Non-Significant'. If the latest case version is Initial then 'Significant'.

Pending Cases

Latest Followup Receipt Date

Date On Which Latest Follow-up Information Was Received. If There Is No Followup Then Followup Receipt Date Will Be Null



Pending Cases

Case Deletion Date

Date On Which Latest Follow-up Information WasReceived. If There Is No Followup Then FollowupReceipt Date Will Be Null



Pending Cases

Assigned User ID

ID of the User Assigned To The Current Work



Pending Cases

Assigned User Name

User Assigned To The Current Work

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = case_master.owner_id


Pending Cases

User With Case ID

Case Worklist User. User Who Has The Case Open. (It May Be Null If Case Is Not Open)



Pending Cases

User With Case Open Name

Case Worklist User. User Who Has The Case Open (It May Be Null If Case Is Not Open)

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = web_cases_open.user_id


Pending Cases

Routing Justification

Case Routing Justification For The Latest Routing



Pending Cases

Routing ID

Workflow Sequence Number



Pending Cases

Routing Timestamp

The Timestamp On Which Case Was Routed To Current Workflow State



Pending Cases

Routing User Group

User Group To Which A Case Is Routed.

cfg_workflow_rules.group_idwhere cfg_workflow_rules.seq_num =case_routing.workflow_seq_num


Pending Cases

Routing User ID

Id of the User Group To Which A Case Is Routed.



Pending Cases

Routing User Name

User Group To Which A Case Is Routed.

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = case_routing.user_id


Pending Cases

# Days Case Open

Number of days elapsed since aware date (Clock Start Date) of the case

NVL(TRUNC(SYSDATE) - TRUNC(Max(case_master.init_rept_date/(case_followup.receipt_date where significant = 1))), 0)


Pending Cases

# Days Remaining

Number of days remaining for case processing as per the due soon date configured in Argus Safety

NVL(TRUNC(case_master.due_soon) - TRUNC (SYSDATE), 0)


Pending Expedited Reports

Report ID

Unique Identifier for the report



Pending Expedited Reports

Report Initial / Follow-Up ID

Report Followup Number (1,2,3…. 0 - for Initial)'Initial' if followup number = 0 else 'F/U #' || followup number

DECODE (cmn_reg_reports.followup_num, 0, 'Initial', 'F/U #' || cmn_reg_reports.followup_num)


Pending Expedited Reports

Regulatory Report Type

Report Form ID



Pending Expedited Reports

Report 7/15 Timeframe

Timeframe when the report is due.This field specifies the report's scheduled due-date based on the number of days, after the initial receipt or significant follow-up date.If timeframe <= 7 then '7' else '15'

case when cmn_reg_reports.timeframe <= 7 then 7 else 15 end


Pending Expedited Reports

Foreign / Domestic

Domestic if the Agency Country = Country of Incidence for the Case else Foreign



Pending Expedited Reports

Report Assigned User Group

User Group responsible for the report



Pending Expedited Reports

Report Assigned User ID

ID of the user assigned to the report



Pending Expedited Reports

Report Assigned User Name

User assigned to the report

cfg_users.user_fullname where cfg_users.user_id = cmn_reg_reports.owner_id


Pending Expedited Reports

Report Due Date

Date the report is due



Pending Expedited Reports

Pending Expedited Reports

Internal due date for report submission


It shall be customizable by the customer, they shall be able to write the logic to populate this column. By default - 2 Days"Pending Expedited Reports".Report Due Date - (2)

Pending Expedited Reports

Report On-Time Indicator

Report submission on-time indicator. The values here are Red, Yellow and Green.Green: when Report Due Soon Date has not elapsedYellow: when no. of days remaining for report submission are less than or equal to the no. of due soon days configured in the PVARed: when Report Due Date has elapsed


Green: count(Number of records from Pending Expedited Reports) where sysdate <= Report Due Soon DateYellow: count(Number of records from Pending Expedited Reports) where sysdate > Report Due Soon Date and sysdate <= Report Due DateRed: count(Number of records from Pending Expedited Reports) where sysdate > Report Due Date

Pending Expedited Reports

Report Schedule Timestamp

Date on which report got scheduled



Pending Expedited Reports

Report Generation Timestamp

Report Generation Date



Pending Expedited Reports

Report Approval Timestamp

Report Approved Date



Pending Expedited Reports

Report Downgrade Indicator

A flag to identify downgrade reports

If cmn_reg_reports.submit_notes like '*Downgrade*%' then 'Yes' else 'No'


Pending Expedited Reports

# Days Report Late

Number of days by which report is past due date


sysdate - Report Due Date

Pending Expedited Reports

# Days Report Open

Number of days that the report is open


sysdate - NVL(Clock Start Date, Report Schedule Timestamp)

Pending Expedited Reports

# Pending Reports

Total number of reports not submitted


count(Number of records from Pending Expedited Reports)

Pending Expedited Reports

# Pending Reports Downgraded

Total number of downgraded reports


count(Report Downgrade Indicator) where Report Downgrade Indicator = 'Yes'

Pending Expedited Reports

# Pending Reports On-Time

Count of pending reports where submission is On-Time (Report On-Time Indicator is Green)[Number of cases submitted by the inernal due soon date]


where Report On-Time Indicator is Green

Pending Expedited Reports

% Pending Reports On-Time

Percentage of cases submitted on time by the internal due soon date


(# Pending Reports On-Time/# Pending Reports) * 100

Pending Expedited Reports

# Pending Reports Due Soon

Count of pending reports where submission is Due Soon (Report On-Time Indicator is Yellow)[Number of reports due soon for submission]


where Report On-Time Indicator is Yellow

Pending Expedited Reports

% Pending Reports Due Soon

Percentage of reports due soon for submission


(# Pending Reports Due Soon/# Reports Not Submitted) * 100

Pending Expedited Reports

# Pending Reports Overdue

Count of pending reports that have not been submitted by due date (Report On-Time Indicator is Red) [Number of reports overdue for submission]


where Report On-Time Indicator is Red

Pending Expedited Reports

% Pending Reports Overdue

Percentage of reports overdue for submission


(# Reports Overdue For Submission/# Reports Not Submitted) * 100