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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Oracle Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack Implementation Guide for Siebel CRM, Oracle Communications Order and Service Management, and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management
Release 11.3

Part Number E37675-02
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J Guidelines for Ensuring that Oracle AIA Processes are Fallout-Compliant

This appendix describes the fields and attributes that must be passed to make Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) processes fallout-compliant.

New services introduced, which need to participate in the order fallout notification mechanism, must be included in the AIA Error Notifications table with the appropriate Error_Type and Error_Ext_Handler.

Populating Sender Context Information in the EBM Header

For all system or composite faults (binding and remote), the fault policy is initiated and publishes a notification message. By ensuring that your process has the following context information supplied, the order fallout management extension handler application programming language (API) constructs an enriched fault message.

All the enterprise business messages (EBMs) for order processing passes the following information as a sender reference in the EBMHeader. This list shows the information that you are required to pass for fallout:

  • Order ID - Business Component ID of the Order - SalesOrder / Provisioning Order / Fulfillment Order / Fulfillment Billing Order

  • Order Number - ID of the order - FulfillmentOrder#/ProvisioningOrder#/SalesOrder# (optional - required only if available)

  • SalesOrderID - Alternate Object Key - storing the Sales Order Common ID

  • Sales Order Number - Alternate Object Key - storing the Sales Order Number (Siebel CRM value)

  • Sales Order Revision Number - Alternate Object Key - storing the Sales Order Number (Siebel CRM value)

  • Common Account ID - Alternate Object key - storing the Common Account ID

  • Account ID - Alternate Object key - storing the Siebel CRM Account ID (only for Sales Order EBM because the account information in the Xref is rolled back)

  • Account Name - Alternate Object Key - storing the Siebel CRM Account Name

Along with these fields, populate the SchemeID field indicating the name, and the SchemeAgencyID indicating the column name.

The attribute value for schemeAgencyId of SALESORDER_NUMER is considered the system code of the system from which the order was placed (Order Originating System Code)

This information should be entered in the EBM Header in the following path:

EBMHeader / Sender / ObjectCrossReference / SenderObjectIdentification /

Example J-1 is a sample EBMHeader section.

Example J-1 Sample EBMHeader Section

<BusinessComponentID> OrderId</BusinenessComponentID> 
             <ID> Order# (if any)</ID> 
<ID schemeID="SALESORDER_ID"schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01">SalesOrderID</ID>
<ID schemeID="SALESORDER_ID " schemeAgencyID="COMMON">SalesOrderCommonID</ID>
<ID schemeID="SALESORDER_NUMBER" schemeAgenyId="SEBL_01">SalesOrderNumber</ID>
<ID schemeID="SALESORDER_REVISION" schemeAgenyId="SEBL_01">SalesOrderRevision</ID>
<ID schemeID="CUSTOMERPARTY_ACCOUNTID" schemeAgenyId="COMMON">CommonAccountID</ID>
<ID schemeID="CUSTOMERPARTY_ACCOUNTID" schemeAgenyId="SEBL_01">Siebel Account ID</ID>
<ID schemeID="CUSTOMERPARTY_ACCOUNTNAME" schemeAgenyId="SEBL_01">Account Name</ID>

Only the underlined elements are required for the SalesOrder EBM.

Populating the Enriched Fault Message with Business Faults

In case non-partner link errors or business faults are in the business process execution language (BPEL) processes (where the BPEL process is creating the fault message and calling the Oracle AIA Async Error handling process), the expectation is that the ApplicationFaultData is also populated.

ApplicationFaultData is an xsd: Any field in the fault message:


The BPEL processes are expected to construct a variable of element type ApplicationFaultData defined in this xsd: http://{httphostname}:{http portname}/AIAComponents/PIPS/Communications/Schemas/OrderFailureData.xsd

The fields defined in the xsd and how they must be used are listed here.

  • ApplicationFaultData / OrderFailureData / OrderID

    BusinessComponentID - SalesOrder / Provisioning Order / Fulfillment Order / Fulfillment Billing Order

    ID - SalesOrder # / Provisioning Order # / Fulfillment Order # / Fulfillment Billing Order # (If available)

    ApplicationObjectKey - If available

    AlternateObjectKey - SALESORDER_ID

    AlternateObjectKey - SALESORDER_NUMBER

    AlternateObjectKey - SALESORDER_REVISION

    AlternateObjectKey - FULFILLMENTSYSTEM_ID

    Example J-2 is a sample definition.

    Example J-2 Sample Definition 1

    <BusinessComponentID>  Order ID   </BusinessComponentID>
             <ID> Order# (if any)</ID>
    <ID schemeID="SALESORDER_ID"schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01">SalesOrderID</ID>
      <ID schemeID="SALESORDER_ID"           schemeAgencyID="COMMON">SalesOrderCommonID</ID>
    <ID schemeID="SALESORDER_NUMBER" schemeAgenyId="SEBL_01">SalesOrderNumber</ID>
    <ID schemeID="SALESORDER_REVISION" schemeAgenyId="SEBL_01">SalesOrderRevision</ID>
    <ID schemeID="FULFILLMENTSYSTEM_ID " schemeAgenyId="FulfillmentSystemAppID">OrderID in the Fulfillment System</ID>
  • ApplicationFaultData / OrderFailureData / AccountID

    BusinessComponentID - CommonAccountID

    ID - Account Name

    ApplicationObjectKey - Siebel AccountID (required only with SalesOrder EBM)

    Example J-3 is a sample definition.

    Example J-3 Sample Definition 2

    <BusinessComponentID schemeID="CUSTOMERPARTY_ACCOUNTID" schemeAgencyID="COMMON">AccountID</BusinessComponentID>
    <ID schemeID="CUSTOMERPARTY_ACCOUNTNAME" schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01">AccountName</ID> 
    <ID schemeID="CUSTOMERPARTY_ACCOUNTID" schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01">88-878PX</ID> 
  • ApplicationFaultData / OrderFailureData / ProductID

    Information regarding the Product / Discount of the failed order line.

    With an entire order failure, this can be mapped for the product corresponding to the first line item of the order.

    Example J-4 is a sample definition.

    Example J-4 Sample Definition 3

    <BusinessComponentID schemeID="ITEM_ID" schemeAgencyID="COMMON">Item ID 
    </ BusinessComponentID> 
    <ID schemeID="ITEM_ID" schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01">SiebelID</ ID>    
  • ApplicationFaultData / OrderFailureData / ProcessingNumber

    Job ID - String type

  • ApplicationFaultData / OrderFailureData / ProcessingTypeCode

    Common Value of the Processing Type Code

  • ApplicationFaultData / OrderFailureData / ProcessingQuantity

    Processing Quantity as available in the EBM

  • ApplicationFaultData / OrderFailureData / FailureSystemCode

    System where the fault occurred - 'AIA' in case the error is internal to the ABCS or BPEL.

    Target System ID in case the fault is identified from the target application system

  • ApplicationFaultData / OrderFailureData / FailureSubSystemCode

    The code of either the subsystem or the API, where the order has failed. This is applicable with participating applications. If the fault is within Oracle AIA, the service that faulted is assumed as the subsystem of failure

  • ApplicationFaultData / OrderFailureData / OrderLineItemFailureDataList

    This is required if you are handling faults at the line-level or if the BPEL fails while it is trying to process a particular order line.

    • OrderLineItemID

      Structure similar to OrderID

      BusinessComponentID - SalesOrder / Provisioning Order / Fulfillment Order / Fulfillment Billing Order Line IDs (if any)

      ID - SalesOrder Liner # / Provisioning Order Line # / Fulfillment Order Line # / Fulfillment Billing Order Line # (if available)

      ApplicationObjectKey - If available (at the Siebel CRM end at least if the LineId is not yet cross-referenced)

      AlternateObjectKey - SALESORDER_LINEID (COMMON)

      Example J-5 is a sample definition.

      Example J-5 Sample Definition 4

      <BusinessComponentID>  Order Line ID   </BusinessComponentID>
      <ID> Order Line# (if any)</ID>
      <ID schemeID="SALESORDER_LINEID"schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01">SalesOrderLineID</ID>
      <ID schemeID="SALESORDER_LINEID " schemeAgencyID="COMMON">
    • ErrorCode

      Error code associated with the failure

    • ErrorMessage

      Error message associated with the failure

    • ErrorSeverity

      Error severity associated with the failure

    • Status Context

      Status context of the order line

    • FailureSubSystemCode

      Code of the subsystem or API where the order line has failed. This is applicable with participating applications. If the fault is within Oracle AIA, the service that faulted is assumed to be the subsystem of failure.

Populating the Enriched Fault Message in Services without EBMs

In the Requestor ABCS Implementation services, populating the EBM_HEADER variable is typically the last step of this process and the chances of an error occurring (nonsystem fault error) is more likely during this last step.

For the nonpartner link faults or business faults, the application business connector service (ABCS) should follow the guidelines as stated in "Populating the Enriched Fault Message with Business Faults". The intention is to capture as many fields as possible here in this case. No common IDs can be available.

With system faults or composite faults, you can use the extension handler feature of the Oracle AIA Error Handling Framework to enrich the fault message.

As delivered, the system faults for the Siebel Requestor ABCS are handled by the Extension Handler - to parse the Siebel order message and enrich the fault message (Fault/FaultNotification/FaultMessage/ApplicationFaultData) with the appropriate available data (OrderID and the AccountID).

See "Configuring Oracle AIA Processes for Error Handling and Trace Logging", Extending Error Handling and Extending Fault Messages in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information on extending error handling.