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Oracle® Argus Safety Installation Guide
Release 7.0.2
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4 Installing Argus Safety Web

This chapter includes the following sections:

Installing Argus Safety Web

Before installing Argus Safety Web, be aware of the following:

Use the following procedure to install Argus Safety Web:

  1. Open the Argus Safety folder and click setup.exe.

  2. When the system displays the Argus Safety Setup screen: click Next >.

    Description of ArgusSafetySetup1.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ArgusSafetySetup1.gif

  3. When the system displays the Customer Information screen:

    Description of ArgusSafetySetup2.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ArgusSafetySetup2.gif

  4. Enter the user name in the User Name field.

  5. Enter the company name in the Company Name field.

  6. Click Next >.

  7. When the system displays the Default Directory screen, click Browse to select the default installation directory where the Argus Safety Solution Components will be installed.

    Description of ArgusSafetySetup3.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ArgusSafetySetup3.gif

  8. Click Next to display the Argus Safety Components list and select the default installation directory where the Argus Safety Solution Components will be installed.

  9. When the system displays the component list, you can select Argus Global Application.

    Surrounding text describes image0472.gif.

    The Argus Global Application for Argus Safety Web option in the Installer module selection screen allows support for the multi-tenancy feature.

    On selecting this option, global modules get installed on the same web server as Argus Safety Web and are accessible as a separate URL from the same web server. Global modules are components of Global Application having the same functionality as Portlets in the Global Homepage for Web Center.

    If you have chosen to install the IIS Global Homepage instead of the Webcenter Global Homepage for multi-tenant installations, you must ensure that you access the following URL after installing the IIS Global Homepage:

    http://<web server>:<port>/GHP/GlobalHome.aspx

    The Argus Global Application for the Argus Safety Web option is enabled only if Argus Safety Web is also selected.

  10. Select the modules to install and click Next.

    Surrounding text describes setuptype.gif.


    It is recommended to install the Cryptography tool on the Web Server.

  11. Select the applicable portlet from the listed radio buttons and click Next >.

  12. When the system asks whether you want to configure a database for Argus, click Yes to configure a database.

  13. When prompted to enter a database name, enter the database name as you want it to appear on the Argus Login page.

    Description of EnterDatabaseName.gif follows
    Description of the illustration EnterDatabaseName.gif

  14. Click Next > to continue.

  15. When prompted to enter the database SID: Enter the database SID.

    Description of EnterDatabaseSID.gif follows
    Description of the illustration EnterDatabaseSID.gif

  16. Click Next > to continue.

  17. When the system ask if you would like to configure database settings for Argus: Click Yes to add an additional database to the Argus Login page.

  18. When the system prompts you to enter a port number, enter the Port for the Argus Web site (default is 8083).

    Surrounding text describes EnterPortNumber.gif.
  19. Click Next > to continue.

  20. The installer installs the Web site and it related components and shows the progress of the installation.

  21. When the system displays the Setup Completed screen, click Finish.

    Description of SetupComplete.gif follows
    Description of the illustration SetupComplete.gif

  22. When the system displays the following message: Click OK to reboot the system.

    Surrounding text describes Chapter4Reboot.gif.


After installing Argus Safety Web, refer to the section The Argus Safety 7.0.2 Application Servers to set up the Argus Cryptography key.

Adding the Argus Site as a Trusted Site

Use the following procedure to add the Argus site URL as a trusted site:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.

  2. Select Tools => Internet Options.

  3. When the system displays the Internet Options dialog box.

  4. When the system displays the Security tab: select Local Intranet or Trusted Sites and click Sites.

  5. When the system displays the Trusted Sites dialog box.

  6. Type the Argus site URL in the Add this website to the zone field.

  7. Click Add.


    Contact your System Administrator for the Argus site URL.

Configuring the IIS Manager for Windows 2008


For Windows 2008, IIS 6 Management Compatibility and Application Development-->ASP.NET/ASP roles must be installed.

  1. Select Start => Administrative Tools => Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. Expand the Connection Panel and open ”Sites”.

  3. Select Argus Safety Web.

    Description of ConfigureIISWebSite.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ConfigureIISWebSite.gif

  4. On the right panel, click on Basic Settings.

    Description of EditSite.gif follows
    Description of the illustration EditSite.gif

  5. Click on Connect as…

  6. Click on Specific User and click on Set.

  7. Enter Domain user name and password and click OK.

    Description of SetCredentials.gif follows
    Description of the illustration SetCredentials.gif

  8. Click OK.

    Surrounding text describes ConnectAs.gif.
  9. Click on Test Settings to verify the user credential is valid for the connection.

    Surrounding text describes UserSetComplete.gif.

Connecting to a Domain Account on Windows 2008

If multiple web servers are configured for Argus in a load-balanced environment, the reports folder must be on a shared path on the network. Connect the PDFReports, UploadedLetters, CachePath, and Scanned_Images using the domain account as shown in the following illustrations.

  1. Open Argus Safety Web folder from the left panel.

    Description of 4.3websafetyfolder.gif follows
    Description of the illustration 4.3websafetyfolder.gif

  2. Click on CachePath and click on Basic Settings.

    Description of 4.3cachesettings.gif follows
    Description of the illustration 4.3cachesettings.gif

  3. Change the Physical Path to a shared folder in the Domain.

  4. Click on Connect as… and select Specific User.

  5. Enter the Domain User ID and Password and click OK.


    You can click on Test Settings to verify the user authentication for the connection.

  6. Repeat the same for PDFReports, UploadedLetters, and Scanned_Images.

Enabling SSL Support for Windows 2008

Use the following procedure to enable SSL support for 2008:

  1. Obtain and install the SSL certificate.

  2. Click Argus Safety Web => Bindings.

    Description of 4.6bindings.gif follows
    Description of the illustration 4.6bindings.gif

  3. Click on Add, then change Type to HTTPS.

    Description of AddSiteBinding.gif follows
    Description of the illustration AddSiteBinding.gif

  4. Select SSL Certificate, then click OK.

Configuring Load Balancer in Argus Web

To set up a Load Balancer in Argus, you will need to setup:

Set up Argus Web Load Balancer IP Address

If Argus Web is being installed in a Load Balanced Environment, the Load Balancer IP Address needs to be configured in Argus Console.

  1. Login to Argus Console.

  2. Select System Management from System Configuration Menu.

  3. Click the Network Settings Folder.

  4. Enter the Load Balancer IP Address and click Save.

Set up Load Balanced Folders

When setting up the load balanced folders, update the network directories for the following virtual directories:

  • cachepath

  • pdfreports

  • uploadedletters

Set up Shared Network Directory

The network directory is a shared directory that will be the same for all load balanced web servers.

Update argus.ini for the following entries:

  • cache=<shared directory for the pdfreports>

  • messagecachepath=<shared directory for the message cache>

  • upload=<shared directory for the uploaded letters>

Installing Argus Report Server

Argus Report Server enables the Argus Web Server to offload or redirect the tasks for all reports such as Periodic, Expedited, E2B and System Reports to the Report Server. This enables the Web Server to effectively handle the actual end-user HTTP requests rather than spending system resources on report generation tasks.

Argus supports multiple Report Servers. However, these report servers cannot be put under a Load Balancer. Each web server configuration has to point to the report servers individually.

The Report Server installation and configuration is exactly same the Web Server configuration. The only difference is in the values of the ReportServer, ReportServerUser, and ReportServerPassword parameters in the Argus.ini file for the Web and Report Servers.

If you are using Report Server, the sample values of these three parameters on the Web / Report Server are displayed in the following table.

Parameter Sample Value Description
1 ReportServer http://svmargirv001:8083 This parameter points to the Report Server URL for the Argus application.
2 ReportServerUser reportuser This is the username of an Argus user with user type as AG Service User configured in Argus database.

This value must be unique for each report server.

3 ReportServerPassword password This is the password for the Report Server User in Argus database as described above.


Be aware of the following:

In the Argus.ini file on the Report Server, the ReportServer parameter must point to itself. For example, it can have a value such as http://localhost.

After installing the Report Server, you need to configure Argus.xml and Argus.ini. Instructions for doing so are available in Chapter 12, "Other Tasks".

Recommended Changes in IIS 7.5 on the Report Server

You need to use the Application Initialization module in IIS 7.5 to automatically start an IIS worker process without waiting for requests.

It is highly recommended to make the following changes in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config:

<system.applicationHost> <applicationPools> <add name="DefaultAppPool" enable32BitAppOnWin64="true" autoStart="true" startMode="AlwaysRunning"> <processModel identityType="SpecificUser" userName="admin" password="[enc:IISWASOnlyAesProvider:8CzE5P2agbC8fJbMLfitUX2bjn40PbikwgPCrd4Dfx8=:enc]" /> </add></applicationPools> </system.applicationHost> <application path="/" applicationPool="DefaultAppPool" preloadEnabled="true"><virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Argus\ArgusWeb\ASP" /></application>

Securing Sensitive Configuration and Operational Data

The following security recommendations should be made to the following files and folders on the Safety Web and Report Server. This ensures that only the IIS User can access these files and local system login accounts outside of the Administrator cannot make changes to the files.

Windows Directory File

Minimum permission required for file is "Full Control" for the user under which IIS is running:

Shared Folders

The following folders require minimum permission of "Full Control" for the user under which IIS is running:

Configuring Identity in the IIS Application Pools

  1. Select Start => Administrative Tools => Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. Select Application Pools.

  3. Right click on Argus Console Pool and select Advanced settings

  4. Enter user ID and password in the identity field.

  5. Reset IIS.

  6. Repeat same configuration for Argus NET Pool.


This configuration will prevent the following error from appearing when filtering data on the Worklist Portal screen:

Error processing your request

Resetting IIS

After changes have been made to the areas listed below, IIS needs to be reset to make the latest data / configurations available to the rest of the system:

  1. Changes in config files:

    • Argus.ini, Argus.xml

  2. Changes in following screens through Console:

    • Common Fields

    • System Management

    • Enabled Modules

  3. Loading of MedDRA dictionaries