Gets and sets the navigation relevance ranking record search to perform on the records of the navigation query.

Namespace: Endeca.Navigation
Assembly: Endeca.Navigation (in Endeca.Navigation.dll) Version: (


[ObsoleteAttribute("This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use NavRelRankERecRank instead.")]
public virtual ERecSearch NavRelRankERecSearch { get; set; }
Visual Basic
<ObsoleteAttribute("This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use NavRelRankERecRank instead.")> _
Public Overridable Property NavRelRankERecSearch As ERecSearch
Visual C++
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use NavRelRankERecRank instead.")]
virtual property ERecSearch^ NavRelRankERecSearch {
	ERecSearch^ get ();
	void set (ERecSearch^ value);

Field Value

Navigation relevance rank record search applied to records of the navigation. null if none have been previously specified.


Deprecated: This method may not be available in future versions of the Presentation API. Use NavRelRankERecRank instead.

See Also