
システム・メッセージ: LIBTUXカタログ6500-6599

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This message reports the value of the TUXRACGROUPS environment variable. The TUXRACGROUPS environment variable is used by applications using Tuxedo with Oracle Real Application Clusters. TUXRACGROUPS specifies lists of Tuxedo groups that cannot be included in the same transaction.


No action required.


警告: TUXRACGROUPSで見つかった長さが0のグループ名を無視します


TUXRACGROUPS環境変数内で、カンマ、セミコロンまたはコロンの後に続くもう1つのカンマ、セミコロンまたはコロンが検出されました。 (TUXRACGROUPS環境変数はOracle Real Application Clustersを使用するTuxedoアプリケーションのみに必要で、同じトランザクションに含めることのできないTuxedoグループのリストを指定するために使用されます。) これらの句読点はRAC構成、RACインスタンスおよびグループ名を区切るために使用されるもので、この状態の結果として長さがゼロのグループ名が指定されます。長さがゼロのグループ名は無視されます。


TUXRACGROUPS環境変数の値を修正してください。 この変更を有効にするには、このメッセージが発生したサイトのBBLをシャットダウンして再起動する必要があります。


WARN: Group groupname specified in TUXRACGROUPS does not exist


The group groupname was specified in the TUXRACGROUPS environment variable, but is not configured as part of Tuxedo. This groupname will be ignored. (The TUXRACGROUPS environment variable is only needed by Tuxedo applications using Oracle Real Application Clusters, and is used to specify lists of Tuxedo groups that cannot be included in the same transaction.)


Fix the value of the TUXRACGROUPS environment variable. In order for the change to take effect, it is necessary to shutdown and reboot the BBL on the site where this message occurs.


WARN: Group groupname specified multiple times in TUXRACGROUPS; ignoring specifications after the first


The group groupname was specified multiple times in the TUXRACGROUPS environment variable, but is not configured as part of Tuxedo. Occurrences of this group after the first occurrence will be ignored. (The TUXRACGROUPS environment variable is only needed by Tuxedo applications using Oracle Real Application Clusters, and is used to specify lists of Tuxedo groups that cannot be included in the same transaction.)


Fix the value of the TUXRACGROUPS environment variable. In order for the change to take effect, it is necessary to shutdown and reboot the BBL on the site where this message occurs.


WARN: No valid groups found in instance instance_number of RAC configuration configuration_number. Any transactions hashing to this instance will be unable to invoke services in any instance of this RAC configuration.


No valid group names were specified in instance instance_number of RAC configuration configuration_number. Any transactions hashing to this configuration will be unable to invoke any services that are offered only by groups associated with RAC configuration configuration_number.


Fix the value of the TUXRACGROUPS environment variable. In order for the change to take effect, it is necessary to shutdown and reboot the BBL on the site where this message occurs.


ERROR: tpreturn can not return a buffer type 'buffer_type' with length = 0 tpstrerror_message


Typed buffer "CARRAY", "X_OCTET", "XML" can not get the buffer size from message information. "MBSTRING" with unsave encoder can not get the buffer size too. So tpreturn require data length for these buffers. If give zero length for theses buffers. The message will happen. tpstrerror_message is the string message of TPEINVAL.


Please use the actual length of the buffer instead of zero.


ERROR: Multi-thread server server_name group group_id id server_id boot failure due to none of working threads booted up.


In the case of none of working threads booted up, multi-threads sever fails to be booted up.


Multi-thread server fails to be booted up.

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