You can leave the Properties toolpane open as you modify properties. The contents of the toolpane change as you move from document to document. If you select multiple documents and change a property, the change is applied to all selected documents. When the selection includes multiple documents of mixed document types, the only properties that are available for editing are the properties that the document types have in common. Only editable properties appear in the Properties toolpane. 

You can open the Properties toolpane from the Library or any document editor. Property changes made from the Library or Outline Editor are automatically saved to the document. If you change a property from another editor, such as the Web Page editor, you will be prompted to save your changes when you close the editor. You cannot change properties for a document open in another editor. For example, if you open a web page or topic, you cannot change properties for the open documents from the Library. A warning message appears at the bottom of the Properties toolpane indicating that the document is open and that you must close it to modify the document properties.

Undo Document Properties

Most document editors (for example, Outline, Glossary, and Role editors) have an Undo command that will allow you to undo a property change. You cannot undo property changes from the Web Page or Package editors or from the Library. There is no limit to number of actions you can undo/redo in the Outline Editor.

If you are changing properties from an editor that does not allow undo, and you are still in the property cell, you can press CTRL+Z or right-click in the cell and choose Undo from the context menu to undo a property change. Once you click outside a cell, you cannot undo your changes.

 Multi-user Considerations

To change properties for a document:

  1. Display the Properties toolpane.
    You can also right-click any document and choose Properties or press F4.
  2. Select the document(s) whose properties you want to change.
    You can select multiple documents using the standard Windows selection keys (CTRL+click and SHIFT+click).
    You can also edit the properties for a web page or package open in a document editor.
  3. Click the property cell in the Properties toolpane and make the necessary changes.

Note: The Developer automatically saves property changes made while you are working in the Library or Outline Editor. For properties that you type directly in a cell, you can press ENTER or click outside of the property cell to finalize your entry.

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