The Usage Summary area of the home page includes a link to a report that includes the knowledge paths in which you are enrolled and activity status indicating the date you last worked in a subject. This report also includes assessment scores, as well as subject progress, expressed as a percentage. The Usage Summary report enables you to evaluate your progress in subjects that you have taken. 

Your name, username, and workgroup appear at the top of the report. Following is a description of the information that appears in the report: 


Name (Knowledge Path): This column displays the knowledge path name. 


Date Enrolled (Knowledge Path): This column displays the date you enrolled (or the manager enrolled you) in the knowledge path. 


Name (Activity): This column displays the name of the activity for each knowledge path listed. 


Date Last Active in Subject (Activity): This column displays the date you last worked in the subject. 


Pre (Scores): This column displays your score for the pre-assessment, if applicable. 


Place-out (Scores): This column displays the place-out score, if any, that is needed to place out of the pre-assessment. 


Post (Scores): This column displays your score for the post-assessment, if applicable. 


Required (Scores): This column displays the required score, if any, that is needed to continue on to the next activity. 


Subject (Progress): This column displays how much of the subject you completed, expressed as a percentage. 

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