After adding an activity to a knowledge path, you can set its properties. Setting activity properties is identical for the root activity and all sub-activities. Activity properties have three sections, one for the subject, and one each for the pre- and post-assessments.


Note: If the activity is linked to content that originated from a source other than the Developer, some options are not available.


When the Required field is enabled, users must complete the subject or assessment before taking the next subject or assessment in the activity. With this option enabled, users cannot even view the next subject or assessment until the current item is completed. If this option is disabled, users can access the next subject or assessment before the current item is completed.

Allow Personalized Content
The Allow Personalized Content option is not available until you choose a pre- and/or post-assessment for the subject. When this option is available and enabled, users can choose between taking the full content or personalized content. Personalized content is a subject customized for a user based on his/her assessment results. After taking an assessment, users are presented with the personalized content option. Users see how they scored in all major sections of the subject and based on those scores, certain sections can be excluded from the personalized content.

Suppress subject
The Suppress subject (assess only) option is not available until you select a pre- and/or post-assessment for the subject. However, this option is available if the content object selected for the subject has a default pre- and/or post-assessment set for it. In this situation, the default pre- and/or post-assessments are included in the knowledge path when the content object is selected.

When this option is enabled, the activity consists of assessments only. You can use this feature when you need an activity with assessments only, such as an accreditation exam.

Play Modes
The Play Modes option allows you to select the way users navigate the subject. In Explorer mode, users can move around the subject outline at random, accessing any part of the outline at any time. In Sequenced mode, users must progress through the outline in the order in which it is presented.

Show Outline
The Show Outline option is available when Sequenced mode is selected. When this option is enabled, users can access the subject outline while taking the subject in Sequenced mode. While users can see the entire subject outline, they still must move through the subject in order. If you disable this option, users cannot access the outline as they progress through the subject in Sequenced mode. When Explorer mode is selected, this option is automatically enabled and cannot be disabled.

Remediation Modes
The Remediation Modes option provides you with choices for the type of feedback users receive when answering questions in a subject. Subject material can include questions, similar to those found in assessments. Questions appearing in subjects are specific to the section in which the user is working. Subject questions provide a way for users to check their understanding of the subject content. In a subject, users are always informed as to whether their responses are correct or incorrect. The Remediation Modes property determines when and how additional information is presented. These are the choices for remediation:



The Assessment list box enables you to choose which assessment is used for the pre-assessment and/or post-assessment. This list box displays all related assessments available for the content object that was selected for the Subject. If the selected content object has a default pre- and/or post-assessment set for it, the assessment is selected automatically.

When the Required field is enabled, users must complete the subject or assessment before taking the next subject or assessment in the activity. With this option enabled, users cannot even view the next subject or assessment until the current item is completed. If this option is disabled, users can access the next subject or assessment before the current item is completed.

Allow place-out score

The Allow Place-out Score and Place-out Score fields for Pre-assessments and the Required Score field for Post-assessments are available only when the Required option is enabled.

Remediation Enabled
When the Enabled option below Remediation is selected, users receive feedback on their responses to questions. The type of feedback is determined by the option selected in the Remediation Modes list box. The options available in the Remediation Modes list box are Results Only, User Asks, Incorrect, and Always.


If this option is disabled, users receive no feedback and advance to the next question as soon as the current question is answered. Even if remediation text is available, it will not be displayed when this option is disabled.

Link Subject
The Link Subject option is only available when remediation is enabled. When the Link subject option is enabled, users can link to the subject in addition to viewing the remediation provided. In the feedback window, users see a Link to Subject button. When clicked, a new window opens and displays the section containing the relevant material. If this option is disabled, the Link to Subject button is not available in the feedback window.

When the Summary option is enabled, users see an Assessment Summary page after they complete an assessment. This page displays the assessment results, which include the number of questions in the assessment and of those, the number correct, along with the user's score as a percentage. This page also displays a breakdown of each major section in the subject and the user's score for each. It also displays a list of the questions answered correctly and incorrectly. Users can print this page as well as return to it at any time from within Knowledge Center.

If the personalized content feature is enabled, the Summary option is automatically selected and cannot be deselected. The Summary option is automatically enabled as the Assessment Summary page enables a user to configure his/her personalized content. When the personalized content feature is enabled, checkboxes appear to the left of each section listed, enabling a user to choose which sections will appear in the personalized content. Depending on the options set for required scores, the user may not be able to deselect some of the checkboxes.

If the Summary option is disabled, the Assessment Summary page does not appear upon completion of an assessment, nor can a user access it later.

Random question order
When the Random Question Order option is enabled, the assessment questions are presented to a user in a different order each time he/she takes an assessment. If this option is disabled, questions are presented in the order in which they were created in Developer.

Random answer order
When the Random Answer Order option is enabled, answers to multiple choice questions are provided in random order. The answers appear in a different order each time the question is presented. For multiple choice (single answer) questions that include All of the above and/or None of the above, these answers remain in their positions at the bottom of the list of choices. If this option is disabled, answers are presented in the order in which they were created in Developer.

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