If the service pack installer contains a database update, you can run the scripts manually. Consult the ReadMe to determine if there is a database update. After you update the database, you should then run the installer to update the web server and the Library.


The installer files for the Enablement Service Pack are compiled into a self-extracting executable file. To run the scripts manually, you must extract the installer files.


To extract the installer files:

  1. Create an empty folder for the files.

    Tip: It is easier if the folder is in the same location as the self-extracting executable.
  2. From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window.
  3. To extract the files into the newly created directory, enter the following at the command prompt: /extract_all:<extraction location>. Be sure to include the path to the folder in the command.
    Example: C:\ESPInstaller\UPK_11.1.0.2.exe /extract_all:C:\ESPInstaller\ExtractedFiles

To update the Developer database manually on an Oracle server:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window.
  2. To update the schema using the AlterSchemaObjects.sql script located in \patchfiles\content\database in the software installation files, enter the following at the command prompt:
    sqlplus - SQL*Plus is the command line application for Oracle Database.
    -s - Run SQL*Plus without SQL*Plus messaging.
    <adminuser> - The administrative user for the instance of the Oracle server.
    <adminpwd>@<instance> - The password for the administrative user and the name of the instance.
    <scriptlocation>\<scriptname> - The path to the location of the script and the name of the script to be run.
    schema_owner - The schema owner name is limited to 20 characters.
    password - The password used for the schema owner account and the schema_app account.
    Statement with generic parameters:
    sqlplus -s <adminuser>/<adminpwd>@<instance> @"<script location>\<script name>" schema_owner password
    Example with default install parameters:
    sqlplus -s system/password@xe @"E:\Setup\patchfiles\content\database\AlterSchemaObjects.sql" ODServer password
  3. Confirm the parameters and run the script.

To update the Developer database manually on a Microsoft SQL Server:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window.
  2. To update the database using the AlterDBObjects.sql script located in \patchfiles\content\database in the software installation files, enter the following at the command prompt: 
    sqlcmd - The command line application for the Microsoft SQL Server.
    -E - Use a trusted connection to the Microsoft SQL Server. To use a login and password, use the -U <LOGINID> -P <password> parameters.
    -S <servername> - The name of the Microsoft SQL Server.
    -i "<scriptfile>" - The path to the script file and the name of the script file.
    -v DBOwner="<owner name>" - The database account that owns the database.
    -v DBName="<database name>" - The name of the database to be upgraded.
    Statement with generic parameters:
    sqlcmd -E -S <servername> -i <scriptfile> –v DBOwner="<VALUE1>" -v DBName="<VALUE2>"
    Example with default install parameters:
    sqlcmd -E -S "mysqlserver" -i "E:\Setup\patchfiles\content\database\AlterDBObjects.sql" -v DBOwner="ODServer" -v DBName="ODDevContent" 
  3. Confirm the parameters and run the script.
  4. Close the Command Prompt window.

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