You can install the Knowledge Center database manually by running the scripts provided with the software. You must have the proper administrative credentials for the database server to create and populate the schema or database. 

Note: A Microsoft SQL Server must be configured with mixed mode authentication.

Warning: It is necessary to run the SQLPlus command line application for Oracle and the SQLCmd command line application for Microsoft SQL from the folder location that contains the script you are running. 

To install the database manually on an Oracle Database server:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Using the cd command, change into the folder where the scripts are located in the software installation files; for example, if the files are located on the C: drive in a temp folder:
    cd c:\temp\setup\db scripts\ORACLE\KnowledgeCenter
  3. Enter sqlplus, and at the SQLPlus command prompt, enter the user name and password of the administrator account to connect to the Oracle database.
  4. To create the schema using the CreateSchemaObjects.sql script, enter the following at the command prompt:
    <scriptname> - The name of the script to be run.
    schema_owner - The schema owner name is limited to 20 characters.
    password - This will be the password used for the schema owner account and the schema_app account (this account is created automatically).
    tablespace - The name of the tablespace.
    tablespace_datafile - The tablespace location plus the name of the tablespace you used in the previous parameter.
    temp_tablespace - The tablespace name plus _temp.
    temp_tablespace_datafile - The tablespace location plus the name of the tablespace you used in the previous parameter.
    Statement with generic parameters:
    @"<script name>" schema_owner password tablespace tablespace_datafile temp_tablespace temp_tablespace_datafile
    Example with default install parameters:
    @"CreateSchemaObjects.sql" KUser password KMaster "C:\app\oradata\orcl\KMaster.DBF" KMaster_TEMP "C:\app\oradata\orcl\KMaster_TMP.DBF"
  5. Confirm the parameters and run the script.

To install the database manually on a Microsoft SQL Server:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Using the cd command, change into the folder where the scripts are located in the software installation files; for example, if the files are located on the C: drive in a temp folder:
    cd c:\temp\setup\db scripts\MSSQL\KnowledgeCenter
  3. To create the database using the CreateDB.sql script, enter the following at the command prompt:
    sqlcmd - The command line application for the Microsoft SQL Server.
    -E - Use a trusted connection to the Microsoft SQL Server. To use a login and password, use the -U <LOGINID> -P <password> parameters.
    -S <servername> - The name of the Microsoft SQL Server.
    -i "<scriptfile>" - The path to the script file and the name of the script file.
    -v DBName="<database name>" - The name of the database to be created.
    -v DBPath="<database file location"> - The path to the location where you want to create the database.
    Statement with generic parameters:
    sqlcmd -E -S <servername> -i <scriptfile> -v DBName="<VALUE1>" -v DBPath="<Value2>"
    Example with default install parameters:
    sqlcmd -E -S "mysqlserver" -i "CreateDB.sql" -v DBName="KMASTER" -v DBPath="C:\database"
  4. Confirm the parameters and run the script.
  5. Next, to create the database objects using the CreateDBObjects.sql script, enter the following at the command prompt:
    Statement with generic parameters:
    sqlcmd -E -S <servername> -i <scriptfile> -v DBOwner="<VALUE1>" -v Password="<Value2>" –v DBName="<VALUE3>"
    Example with default install parameters:
    sqlcmd -E -S "mysqlserver" -i "CreateDBObjects.sql" -v DBOwner="KUSER" -v Password="KUSER" -v DBName="KMASTER" 
  6. Confirm the parameters and run the script.

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