The service pack installer may contain updates for both the web server and the database. If a database update exists, then you have the option to either have the service pack installer apply the database update or run the scripts manually. If you use the installer, it will populate the appropriate prompts when available, with the only exception being the prompt for the system administrator password to access the Oracle database. It is necessary for the user to have access to this password prior to running the installer.


Note that the service pack installer also updates the content roots as well as the User Import Utility, if it is installed in the same location as the server. If the User Import Utility is installed in a different folder than the server, you can also update it separately; see Apply the Service Pack to the Knowledge Center User Import Utility for more information.


Note: If you add a content root after applying the service pack, or if the content root was otherwise not available when the service pack was applied, you must update that content root separately. See Apply the Service Pack to the Knowledge Center Content Root for more information.


To install a service pack, exit the Developer and the Knowledge Center and launch the self-extracting executable file. This file automatically extracts the files and launches the installer. If a Security Warning appears, click Run. You are then prompted to choose the language for the Installer, and the Install Wizard appears. During installation, you will proceed through these screens in the Install Wizard.

  • Welcome: The Welcome screen identifies the name of the service pack. You can click Cancel if you decide that you do not want to install the service pack.
  • Application Selection: Choose Knowledge Center.
  • Choose Destination Location: Displays the default location where the application is currently installed. Confirm that this location is correct or change the location to where the application is currently installed. Knowledge Center Server files and the Knowledge Center User Import Utility can share the same root directory. If the directory selected contains both the Knowledge Center Server and User Import Utility, the installer will update both applications. Select the root location for Knowledge Center, not the "Web Server" or "Tools" specific folder. The installer will detect which product configuration to update based on the installation location.
  • Setup Requirements: This screen appears if you are installing the Service Pack for the Professional Edition on Windows Server 2012. The Windows Search service is optional for the Professional Edition of Knowledge Center; however, if it is not installed and started, the Search functionality will not function properly. During the installation of Professional Edition, the installer will detect the state of the Search service. If the service is installed but stopped, the installer presents you with the option to start it. If the service is not installed or disabled, and you want Search to function properly, you must manually install or enable the service before proceeding with the installation.
    Note: For Windows Search to work properly, the UNC Path property of the Content Root cannot use the IP address as the UNC Path. It should use the machine name.
  • SQL Script Options: This screen only appears if there is an update necessary for the database and the scripts have not been run manually. If the database needs to be updated, click the No, the scripts have not been run, let the installer run them option. If no database update is necessary, the Internet Information Services Option screen appears if there is an update for the web server. If there is no update for the database or the web server, the Ready to Install screen appears.
  • Internet Information Services Option: This screen only appears if there is an update for the web server files. During installation, the Internet Information Services will need to be stopped and restarted. You can choose to continue with the installation or cancel it and install at a later time.
  • Oracle Database Login: If the scripts have not been run, the connection credentials appear on this screen. You do not need to change them, but you must supply the system administrator password. If the scripts have already been run or there is no database update, this screen does not appear and the Ready to Install screen appears next.
    Microsoft SQL Server Login: If the scripts have not been run, the connection credentials appear on this screen. You do not need to change them, but you can if you feel it is necessary. If you do change them, enter an existing login name and password that has database administrator access to the server. If the scripts have already been run or there is no database update, this screen does not appear and the Ready to Install screen appears next.
  • Choose Schema: The tablespace name, user name, and password are defaulted.
    Choose Database: The database name, login ID and password are defaulted.
  • Ready to Install: The Installation Wizard is ready to update the application. Click Back to review or modify any settings.
  • Setup Status: This screen appears while the files are being installed, the database is being updated, and IIS is being configured.
  • Installshield Wizard Complete: During the update a file might be in use by the operating system on the computer; this will require a reboot to complete the installation. Also, make sure to run Windows update to get the latest patches from Microsoft.

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