There is an optional script that can be run to consolidate the Knowledge Center database after upgrading. This script removes items such as tables and stored procedures that are no longer needed. This optional step should only be run after you have:  

To consolidate the Oracle database:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Run the Remove55OldTables.sql script located in \db scripts\ORACLE\KnowledgeCenter\Upgrade in the software installation files, enter the following at the command prompt:
    sqlplus - SQL*Plus is the command line application for Oracle Database.
    -s - Run SQL*Plus without SQL*Plus messaging.
    <schema_owner> - The schema owner for the tablespace.
    <password>@<instance> - The password for the schema owner.
    <scriptlocation>\<scriptname> - The path to the location of the script and the name of the script to be run.
    Statement with generic parameters:
    sqlplus -s <schema_owner>/<password>@<instance> @"<script location>\<script name>"
    Example with default install parameters:
    sqlplus -s kuser/password@xe @"E:\Setup\db scripts\ORACLE\KnowledgeCenter\Upgrade\Remove55OldTables.sql"
  3. Confirm the parameters and run the script.
  4. Close the command prompt window.

To consolidate the Microsoft SQL Server database:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Run the Remove55OldTables.sql script located in \db scripts\MSSQL\KnowledgeCenter\Upgrade in the software installation files, enter the following at the command prompt:
    sqlcmd - The command line application for the Microsoft SQL Server.
    -E - Use a trusted connection to the Microsoft SQL Server. To use a login and password, use the -U <LOGINID> -P <password> parameters.
    -S <servername> - The name of the Microsoft SQL Server.
    -i "<scriptfile>" - The path to the script file and the name of the script file.
    -v DBName="<database name>" - The name of the database to be consolidated.
    Statement with generic parameters:
    sqlcmd -E -S <servername> -i <scriptfile> -v DBName="<VALUE2>"
    Example with default install parameters:
    sqlcmd -E -S "mysqlserver" -i "E:\Setup\db scripts\MSSQL\KnowledgeCenter\Upgrade\Remove55OldTables.sql" -v DBName="KPMaster"
  3. Confirm the parameters and run the script.
  4. Close the Command Prompt window.

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