You can open any document such as a topic, web page, package, glossary, and so on, that is checked in to the server without checking it out. When you open a checked in document, a (Read-Only) label appears on the tab next to the document name. 

If you edit a checked in document, upon exit you are given the option to save the changes, save the changes to a new document or discard the changes. If you choose to save the changes, the document is checked out and the content is saved. If you choose to save as a new document, click Yes when the Save Document message appears. If you choose to discard the changes, click No.

Module and section documents that are checked in do not display a Read-Only label when you open them in the Outline Editor. You can view these document types but you cannot edit them unless you check them out first. For example, to rename a module or section, you must first check it out. Also, if you attempt to link a document to a checked in module or section, you are always prompted to check out the document before you can continue.

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